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Everything posted by Milenko2121

  1. I knew what it was going to look like; however, there were not that many videos regarding how SD Card music works or what the interface looks like. I was fooled into believing that the bar on the left was able to be hidden, same with the tracks on the right. Using the screen to scroll between songs is a headache, i much prefer my buttons. Also, I don't think I've ever had a software where when I upgrade I'm stuck, and can't revert, besides the iPhone. "two hands on the wheel" Well, I drive a manual transmission(370z) and my hand rest perfectly with where the screen is. Bef
  2. great, this is gonna waste a lot of my timee. this is the last piece of hardware i ever buy from pioneer. i'm just going to sell it and build a car pc for cheaper.
  3. it's horrible, it's bulky, and impossible to use while driving. do i have to send my unit to my local service center to have them downgrade my unit?
  4. I did the upgrade, and the interface is just horrible, how do I revert my unit?
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