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About RadioPhil

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  1. Awesome reply urtruelove78, exactly what I was looking for! I'm so happy its actually possible. Now I need to find a similar information post on how to fit a USB stick bigger than 8GB on my 110BT. Cheers!
  2. My Z110BT is stock. I simply wish to put videos on my USB stick(Ex: music videos, movies) and i am wondering what video specifications the unit can play.
  3. Hey rgarjr, if this is the sticky you are talking about, I have already gone through it and there is no mention of USB flash drive anywhere, only SD card related. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/26312-confirmed-generic-divx-format-for-sd-avi-and-dvd-divx/ Is there another sticky that I am not aware of and that you are talking about? Thank you
  4. I'm basically trying to play video files off a USB stick(Kingston 8GB) on my Z110BT and wondering what video specifications do I need for it to play every time. VIDEO SPECS: Video/file format? Video frame size? Video bitrate?(Will to high a bitrate effect playback?) Video framerate? Audio format? Audio bitrate? Is there a maximum file size? Is there anything else? Thanks guys! Phil
  5. That would be something awesome Jason! I am currently seriously looking to purchase an Avic Z110/120BT receiver and seeing the new Avic Z130BT arrive makes me wounder if Pioneer will come out with a totally new Avic model next year in keeping with the three denominations like the Avic Z1/Z2/Z3. Maybe Pioneer will come out with an Avic Z140BT before reinventing the Avic series. What is your take on that. Should I strike now or prolong my wait.
  6. Those are some very good points Jason and I was thinking about something similar as i was writing my post. To somewhat counter your argument, using my previous example of smartphones and their current practically mini computer capabilities. They are meant to handle a certain amount of abuse as well with people carrying them around in all kinds of conditions while dropping them and often abusing them. I am foreseeing car receivers like the Avic move towards achieving smartphone like capabilities but just at a slower pace due to all the hurdles associated with making a product that can survi
  7. This is my first post guys and what go me to register is to discuss this topic and see what your thoughts on it are. I Have been looking at an Avic receiver for years now, I started looking when the Z2 was announced and everyone was still raving over the Z1. I am basically looking for a computer in the dash but I know besides the G4 and the likes that its a long way off...BUT WHY? I am willing forgo a full out computer double din car receiver for something way more realistic. I simply can't understand why an cellphone like the iphone 3 which was released in 2007, not even the new 4 or any
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