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Posts posted by mdmill1

  1. I have problems loading bgs when i use cd-rws. How lame!



    Maybe you didn't put enough info on the cd-rw. I had this same problem and I just put my picture folder and my bgs folder on the disc then I burned it and it worked fine. Hopefully this works for you.

  2. Yes and they are a good company. I would just check what ever it is as soon as you get back and if there is any problems get on the horn and let them know that you just got back in town and there was a problem with the product. I really don't think you will have any problem with them.

  3. I seem to remember reading a post on here recently that detailed how to do this, so yes, I believe it can be done.


    I've searched and searched.....but had no luck finding it. If anyone runs across it I would greatly appreciate the link.



    Here is what I found. Posted by Hyperite in Hacks/Mods. http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8478





  4. I have two z-1's one is in my truck and the other is in the wife's van and mine has locked up several times I think due to the heat, because my wife always uses her sun shade and I don't and hers never has locked up until... We went on vacation and I drove her van to the airport and when I parked it I didn't put in the sun shade and two weeks later when we got back it was hot has hell inside and the z-1 froze. So I ran the AC to cool it off inside and we stopped to get a bite to eat on the way home. By the time we left the resturant it was cooler outside and the z-1 was back to normal.

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