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About whirlwind999

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  1. Dear vitormvieira I cannot honestly thank you enough for your post, i was having the reboot problem and was at my wits end, i followed your instructions and i have now got my AVIC F900BT back to normal and with a better update and maps again thank you so very much
  2. Hey Everyone I have spent hours looking through avic411 for a solution to the problem i am having and the problem is that i have a European Pioneer Avic F900BT installed in my car, i first noticed a problem when i attached a USB with music to the USB cord that came with the unit, it started to load but would restart after reaching the Navgate screen , so i took out the USB and that seemed to fix the problem, but last weekend after working in the morning it just stopped and just kept rebooting, now it sometimes letsthe radio play and maybe go to the radio channel list screen but after a few
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