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Everything posted by troydavies

  1. I guess the direction of my question is why? Why would Pioneer release an inferior product and tout it as an upgrade? I just hope I'm not missing anything here.
  2. I'm just a regular guy when it comes to car radios. In my opinion. my z130bt is better than the newer z140bh. To me, the biggest problem is that the z140bh removed voice control inputing directions and finding POIs. I have no idea why they did this, but it is a fatal flaw. And since I don't care about Pandora, not much into Aha, and I don't have an Iphone, I don't see how the z140bh will help me. As far as speed, maybe the z140bh is just a little faster, but it's not such a big deal one way or the other. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I really think the z140bh is a
  3. I enjoyed using voice control to dictate my destination into the navigation of my old z130bt. For whatever reason, they removed this feature from the z140bh, which is suppose to be the upgrade. Does anyone have any idea as to why Pioneer did such a dumb thing?
  4. Hi. I notice on sample pics of the Avic Z140bh that the navigation screen can display 3d animated images of buildings and landmarks, instead of just the plain lines for streets, icons for POIs, and the diamond for the car. I have tried and tried to get my z140bh to display the building like this, but I cannot figure it out. I have the display set at .25 scale, and I have the 3d landmarks set for view. And still nothing. Can someone help me?
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