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Everything posted by sylver

  1. Jesi li Å¡ta saznao, kako bi Zdravo, ima Å¡ta novo? Kakva solucija?
  2. Ali mislim da nemozemo nista. Pretrazio sam vec skoro sav internet i jos nikome nije uspjelo naci soluciju
  3. Vazi ako nadzes sta, molim te javi mi na privat Hvala ti puno!
  4. Ahaaaa Pametni su oni hehe. Eh onda mi ne mozet pomoci. Hvala ti
  5. Od cega? Od itunes racuna ili igo racuna? A username netreba?
  6. Dali mozes tu licencu meni poslati molim? Da vidim ako radi?
  7. I kako to, da imas na eastern AppRadio support, kad nisi kupio toga supporta za eastern, nego si ga kupio za western?
  8. Hvala za video Vidim, da iGo radi super. Jedno pitanje: zasto nisi kupio celu Europu, nego western i eastern posebno?
  9. Can you make some video how you are using igo on AppRadio with your iPhone? Yes, 8400 is realy great radio! I cant wait to using it with igo navigation and listen the usb or ipod music to my iPhone
  10. Nice You French people have a lot of money hehe
  11. So you have bought AppRadio support for Western and Eastern Europe?
  12. Great we are waiting. I steel hope, that iGO make some discount for Pioneer AppRadio support, then i will buy this activation meni I cant wait that i will use iGO on my AppRadio on AVH-8400BT model. I realy love this AppRadio mode!
  13. So with "mute" button you can scrolls tru your presets fm stations?
  14. So if i buy Pioneer appradio support for iGo Primo, i can turn OFF my display and use navigation on car radio? Great! Is this the same in all other apps? Like Waze, CarMediaPlay, Aupeo...)?
  15. Yes i think that this is the reason. I will buy licence for Appradio becouse i would like to have full quality navigation on the whole screen. Other apps i will use with your extensions
  16. Yes, you can buy now for Europe But its tooooo expensive (30 EUR) I hope that there will be some discounts on the Christmass
  17. Hello. Ok here is a photo and you can see the difference between original (left) application (iGo Primo), and the non original (right) application (iGo Primo with your extensions in settings). Bad quality can be seen even when you are using navigation (streets name, car, roads....). And here is video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs_H_LXPnVo&feature=youtu.be
  18. Realy only for Western Europe?? But i have iGo Europe (whole Europe) edition and in my store i can buy Pioneer AppRadio Support for 30 EUR. The file is "big" 10b So i think that is for whole Europe
  19. 1. Ok, i understand. 2. I will take some photos or videos to show you in next days. 3. On my is toooo sloooow can you fix this problem? 4. No, on my device i cannot double press the radios home button. In my appradio - there are not radio stations, becouse i have radio stations in the "primary" software (when im not in the appradio).
  20. Hey Mike, i have Pioneer AVH 8400 and iPhone 4s. I have some questions: 1. I noticed that with your app, the navigation apps (like Sygic, iGO, tomtom...) is smaller than the 7" screen. The same "problem" is when im using Safari browser (apps have 1cm black screen on left/right). Is this problem of resolution? Can you make working apps on full screen (7")? 2. Another problem i found is, that the quality of the Extension apps are not so good like the original (the Icon of the programs are litle more transparent that the original Icon). When i say original Icon, i mean
  21. Hello I have official iGO Primo Europe for iPhone and in Shopping i can buy Appradio activation for 27EUR. This is too much Is there any other way, to activate this function for free?
  22. Hello I have official iGO Primo Europe for iPhone and in Shopping i can buy Appradio activation for 27EUR. This is too much Is there any other way, to activate this function for free?
  23. Pioneer avh 8400 have app radio or app radio 2? And what is the difference? Thanks!
  24. Pioneer avh 8400 have app radio or app radio 2? And what is the difference? Thanks!
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