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About rewindR

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  1. Update: so I got bought a switch and opened up/removed the glovebox so I can see where the wiring is. It is to my understanding that I need to connect the ground (black) and the handbrake signal (green). Is this correct? When I opened removed my glovebox, there were a lot of grouped cables and a green one connected to some kind of bolt. If anyone's got any idea what this is, I'd love to know lol...
  2. Wow, thanks a bunch man. That actually clears up a lot for me. I think I'll probably be going with the switch, since I don't think a) the pac way would work and i wouldn't be able to install it since I'm newb haha. Cheers!
  3. I'm actually useless and don't understand many of the terms, but what I have gathered is that I need a switch. Or a grounding switch? Something like that. Thanks though!!
  4. Hey there guys, I just got an AppRadio 2 and got it installed by a professional since I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes down to these things. So I decided to seek out some AppRadio 2 forums and found this one after finding out about AppRadio Extensions. Now I'll try to explain my dilemma as best as I can. The installer got everything working just fine, until he told me I wouldn't be able to 'play videos' because my specific model of car apparently doesn't send the signal that the handbrake is on/off. I figured okay, it's just video. Little did I know I wouldn't be able to ru
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