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Everything posted by notAnotherN00b

  1. Thank you sir.. I was missing the documentation on the 2015 update, and though I suspected this was the case, had nothing in black and white... Greatly appreciated! A Any idea how to manage installing 4.6 or 5.1 firmware on a device already at v.6.0.. the instructions call it out, but no release of a 6.1 or <, and no mention of how to tackle out of order update install.. sure would have been nice of pioneer to either include the patch, or at least perform a check and warn during the upgrade process. Don't suppose there are any known tricks to either make the unit think it's on a pri
  2. Well... no dice still. It feels like the update only partially installed. I've got the iPhone/Others option in place of wired/Bluetooth in the app connection option, but no "iPod Settings" option exists to change from 30pin to USB, and since pulling the battery It no longer has the iPod option in the source bar, so I'm officially limited to Bluetooth streaming, which is temperamental to get started to say the least. Anyone experience this or something similar? Is it as simple as replacing the /User/PRGx directories from b/u to revert back to 4.0? I apologize, I'm sure the answers are h
  3. After going back through other threads, realizing I need to attempt a reset(battery disco), anyone else missing the ipod settings option (30 pin or vga) prior to resetting the unit?
  4. Sorry.. should have been more clear. It literally looks as though the iphone update piece was missed, there aren't any new "iphone settings" options, and it's behaving very flakey.. no audio if wired, bluetooth is difficult to start streaming too, had to remove the pandora app to prevent contention for the BT radio... I guess..
  5. Really hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. Pretty sure that I read on here that all updates are inclusive of the previous versions.. so in attempting to install my IV202NAVI, I backed up my NDATA, PRG1, and PRG0 folders and proceeded to upgrade directly to 6.0 (2015). Problem is that it doesn't look like the patch for iphone compatibility was included, but I'm now a full revisionj ahead of the version that does/did.. any idea what, if any recourse I have? Can I use my backup files w/testmode and overlay the folder structure? Wouldn't this cause hash mismatch, or regist
  6. PM sent w/links. Too much of a pain to upload the folder structure the other way. ver was 4.0... should be set
  7. I'm getting ready to perform the 2015 Map, and system firmware upgrades on mine momentarily. I will be taking a backup prior, which I think should be currently at the version you're looking for, but I'll know in a sec. Got a location you'd like them copied? Dropbox, etc.. ?
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