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Everything posted by WhatIsWhatIsWhatIsWhat

  1. Something is wrong. ads255's scripts simply copy iGO directory from and to usb, nothing more. This scripts cannot brick device. Are you sure you clicked on Copy Script, and not on Copy Device in testmode menu? Copy Device mode will brick your device exactly as you talking about. In any case, do not worry, with any software failure you can restore the device without pulling out device from the car. Do you have full internal sd card backup image?
  2. AVICtoUSB - this script copies contents of iGO folder from device to usb flash. This allows you to modify your particular configuration directly on usb using your desktop/laptop/tablet. USBtoAVIC - this script copies contents of iGO folder from usb to device. This allows you to upload your changes back to device.
  3. Listing from original unmodified firmware, yo /extdata/iGO/license: -rwxrwxrwx system system 2840 2014-02-14 12:06 Pioneer_Primo_EU_13Q2_NQ_AP_TMC_3D_DEM_HNR_TTS_JV_CAR_CS_Mid_NX264_3(1).lyc -rwxrwxrwx system system 2840 2014-02-26 13:17 Pioneer_Primo_EU_13Q2_NQ_AP_TMC_3D_DEM_HNR_TTS_JV_CAR_CS_Mid_NX264_3.lyc -rwxrwxrwx system system 2840 2014-02-14 11:47 Pioneer_Primo_EU_13Q2_NQ_AP_TMC_3D_DEM_HNR_TTS_JV_CAR_Mid_NX264_3.lyc /extdata/iGO/content/map: -rwxrwxrwx u0_a16 u0_a16 2986281 2015-07-15 19:52 Albania.fbl -rwxrwxrwx u0_a16 u0_a16 32 2015-07-1
  4. You can use the following line for copyscript to copy all iGO files from your device to your USB1 stick: cp -R /extdata/iGO /mnt/udisk/iGO Then you can modify contents of iGO folder using your computer. And then you can use the following lines for copyscript to copy your modified folder from USB1 into device: #removes iGO dir (commented out) #rm -f -r /extdata/iGO #copies all available content into device cp -R /mnt/udisk/iGO /extdata/iGO #sets rights chmod -R 777 /extdata/iGO/ Don't try to copy all available licenses into device - iGO will close with memory error or something like th
  5. Yes, it is OK. I don't know how to do this using Mac, but if you have Linux-based computer or virtual machine you can attach content of img file as additional local disks to review content of backup image.
  6. It is OK, backup image size should be a little more then 16 000 000 000 bytes. End of backup image (I do not remember exactly, about a few hundred megabytes) contains zeros. Could you upload your backup image?
  7. "CWW9607-", not "CWW9607", you forgot minus sign Yes. USB2 is /mnt/udisk1 in dd command path, USB1 is /mnt/udisk and external sd card is /mnt/sdcard
  8. Yes, FAT32-formatted USB stick will be enough.
  9. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81468-the-avic-development-mod/
  10. Seems like everything is ok, but please change both txt files with versions to correct values from first screenshot. First is "PJCE1-1-G", second is "CWW9607-", without quotes. Seems like you are using F960BT or F960DAB, can you provide full backup image?
  11. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81468-the-avic-development-mod/
  12. Just delete database files containing password using test mode. And give me $30.
  13. We already know about UART console and we already using this console as we have service manuals. But your work progress is really awesome. I want to see you in our internal developers group
  14. You can install any available TTS voice again using testmode. Also you can install new maps and other content. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81468-the-avic-development-mod/?p=337784
  15. So USB contains right (valid) firmware with the only AVIC500NEX folder? In this case you can try flash firmware using testmode (Write Program Forcedly). Also you can update areas of your backup image file using parts of firmware files without headers. After this you can restore backup with updated firmware.
  16. Yes, exactly after testmode_n "mode change" key execution to one-time unlock of password-locked internal sd card. Also you can insert any new sd-card with corresponding size with image on it, but this card will be also password-locked after first start. So you need execute following steps: 1) insert usb stick into USB1 (not in USB2) with testmode N key which unlocks you card (mode change) 2) turn on your device 3) wait until "mode changed" (or something like this) text displayed 4) turn off your device (and DON'T turn on again, card will be locked again) 5) remove your card and
  17. Presence of testmode_n key is checked directly in easyrecovery mode from NOR flash so this should work even without internal sd card. Please provide exact contents of testmode_n keys you using (please zip and upload if possible)
  18. I'm not familiar with Mac, but seems like you can use simple dd utility: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick Something like this: sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m
  19. There is at least three testmodes available. Full testmode from working firmware (testmode_a key), recovery boot partition testmode (two copies on two partitions in internal sd card) and easyrecovery mode (located in distinct chip soldered on daughter CPU board - NOR flash). Last mode can be activated even without existing firmware on internal sd card using special testmode_n keys (three N-keys available in the wild, first one for mode change (sd card password unlock), second for copy device mode, I don't remember purpose of third key).
  20. Is copy-script file line ending encoding is set to unix type? Try to use something like this to save all error messages: #!/system/bin/sh out="/mnt/udisk/error_log.txt" mount -o remount,rw /system &>>$out cp -f /mnt/udisk/build.prop /system/build.prop &>>$out sync I did not tested 6000NEX, but for European version of 6000NEX (AVIC-F960BT) no need to install xposed framework or other software to disable maps OK screen. All that you need is just changed build.prop file.
  21. No need to open or dismount unit. Just write image for your unit into usb stick or sd card (please do not copy img file, use image writer software), and use test mode "copy device" key to enter recovery mode and write contents of your external usb/sd card into internal sd card. UPD: you can download avic 5000 nex image from Adam's website: https://builds.casual-dev.com/index.php?dir=random%2FAVIC%2F
  22. It seems that I misunderstood you. I just said that firmware can be modified (and reverted to original state) without removing the device and without accessing to internal sd card. You can do almost everything without dismounting device. I think you can also modify bootloader boot options or boot partition settings to load from external sd, but this is much more complicated thing and I can not help you with this modification.
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