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About bass_rock

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  1. Me ajude por favor. Fiz cópia de software e agora aparece uma tela dizendo erro de software o modelo do meu aparelho é uma avic f80tv.

  2. HI i have an Avh-x8850bt, but i cant unlock, because my pasword is numeric, and i remember but in the service retire the car battery, and the display is out of calibration, i had instaled in my unit an SD card with the firmware actualization 1.06, i atach the file, i cant enter to test mode by te port USB1, to caalibrate, and put the numeric password, i hope you can help me, best regards...


    like this:




  3. I have F70DAB  but I didn't find Script Mode to copy in your AVIC Development Mode
    can you help me please.

  4. Yep that's the right file. Change extend home to home. And that will map the main button to the home key.
  5. Yea you can actually modify the key map file and make it the home button and that will let you do what you want.
  6. Yes you can. Just note that we don't have an easy way to recreate the warp snapshot with your changes so you will always have to boot with it off for your modifications to work
  7. Yep that is correct! There are a group of us working to see if we can modify it. (Which is possible, you just lose WARP!) However a cross-upgrade may be possible depending on what changed. If you follow WhatIsWhatIsWhatIsWhat's instructions you can backup the OS and upload it for us to examine and try on older units.
  8. Does anybody have an image of their x200 unit or willing to make one? If we can get an image I would be willing to try it in my x000 to see if it works.
  9. So yes. I actually think that the issue is not bluetooth but an audio volume level issue. It's possible the amp volume names changed not he hardware revision.
  10. Nope. The issue seems to stem from how the deck routes audio. It uses a library to communicate to the radios amp. And it seems between the x000 and x100 the radio amp turn on command changed. So until we can manipulate the Amp commands a cross-upgrade is dead if you care about actually getting audio.
  11. No you can't that is actually a limitation from Google. unlike CarPlay Google has restrictions on the screen size that Android Auto is supported on which is why it is not on the AppRadio 4 too.
  12. You can not side load apps without disabling WARP. WARP is what makes the deck boot in under 10 sec. Without it you are looking at a close to 2-3 min boot time overtime you start the deck like a regular android phone. Right now there are some people working on creating a new WARP snapshot after you modify the deck but so far it likes to brick devices.
  13. You will need to acquire your own license by your own means.
  14. *****iGO (Sort Of Easy) Map Updater***** Hi all! With the announcement of the map crack by asd255 http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81468-the-avic-development-mod/?p=337784 we needed a good way to actually update the maps! With the help of various members (if you want to be named let me know), we have created a script that will install the needed iGO patch and install the maps that you have obtained. NOTE: This requires use of the perl command line on your computer to generate the required script. Steps: 1. Download the attached MapPackage.zip 2. Unzip the fil
  15. Yes you should be able to cross flash regions really easily. Its the generations that work but there is no bluetooth audio.
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