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Everything posted by dodgeboy

  1. The update went flawlessly. It took less than 10 minutes. It rebooted and the time and volume settings (beep, guidance, etc.) were set to defaults, but all other settings were retained. Do I still need to hit the reset button? It seems like it reset itself. I can't test the 2-wire bypass until tomorrow when it's light out. Dave
  2. Hyperite, you are the MAN! Thank you for figuring this out. I vote you get the bypass bounty for packaging this in a way that's easy for us Z2 guys to update... even if it is technically Pioneer's bypass. Thanks again! Going outside now to update mine. Dave
  3. To those of you that have successfully updated yours, did you have a previously unlocked drive? I'm looking for someone that has a stock Z2 that was able to successfully update theirs... Thanks, Dave
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