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Everything posted by powder

  1. So I received my AVIC-F90BT today. Opened up the box and to my surprise no sleeve to install this thing. I presently have installed AVIC-D2 in my SUV and it certainly came with a sleeve. Just fix the sleeve to the opening, when it's solid then the radio will just slide in snug and won't move. How is the unit supposed to hang in there, the instructions assume that the old radio used slider bolts, anyone else encounter this issue. Please let me know, I'de appreciate it.
  2. Sorry I ask such silly stuff but what is the difference between the AVIC-F900BT and the AVIC-F90BT I can't really see any beside the 4V pre-out and the Ipod cable is included, so if I had the AVIC-F900BT with the IPOD cable then the only difference would be the PRE-out? Thanks again.
  3. Hi all, I presently have installed in my ML an AVIC-D2 and it works great. The week I was installing this unit I was confused about the VSS wire of the unit and where to connect it to vehicule because my ML does not have a VSS readily available like some vehicules do. All to say that it turned out that I never did need to connect it, my GPS tracked fine and the screen with speedometer also worked perfectly. My question is, I am looking into the AVIC-F90BT or the 900. Will this model work for GPS and the little Graphic speedometer, has anyone installed this unit without hooking up the
  4. SO if I get the GEX-P10XMT I can get XM-traffic, is it better to have this one or are they the same excluding xm-traffic. Also, Do I have to subscribe to XM-traffic or when I subscribe to XM-radio i'll instantly get xm traffic too thanks.
  5. Hi, I currently have installed a Avic-D2 and would like to finally add XM radio to my list of goodies, which module by name would I need, where can I get such a device, thanks for your help.
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