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Everything posted by lilfilboi123

  1. Hello. im looking to purchase a 5500bhs HU soon and i was wondering about the compatibility of an iphone and an android with this head unit. For those of you who have this head unit, which phone are you guys using to pair it to? which has better connectivity/features? the reason i ask why is because i will be getting a new phone soon and i am debating on getting an iphone 5 or a samsung gs4. Im looking to make the most out of the appradio mode, using ARliberator for android or a jailbroken iphone 5, and i am wanting to use apps while driving such as gps navigation through waze and wha
  2. Hi so I'm looking to buy an AppRadio over the summer, preferably when the new AppRadio 3 comes out. I currently have an iPhone 4s but I am getting a new phone in October/November, and i am not entirely sure if I am getting another iPhone (5s or whatever comes out over the summer), or an Android (most likely Samsung GS4). I understand that for apps to work with the AppRadio I need the right cables, and since I will change phones in a few months, I will need to switch cables. Now that brings me to other questions... I am certain I am buying the AppRadio 3 over the summer. But in order for apps
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