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Everything posted by minersny

  1. Audio shop called,and they said it needs to go to pioneer,or another authorized repair facility... so it will be $200 to get fixed, they still were'nt sure what was wrong with the display... if anyone wants it, I'll sell it for 200 shipped... let me know.
  2. yeah I contacted them already, and it is the 200 flat rate... they wont tell you anything till you pay the 200... and this point I'm ready to sell it! like I said the side lights turn on, but not the main LCD... not really sure what a fair price would be, knowing the problem, any ideas guys? -thnx, sam
  3. So I bought a D1 from a buddy who couldnt get the lcd to turn on... the side lights would come on but not the main display, it is out of warranty, and I will send it to pioneer if need be, but I was just wondering if their is something he may have missed or something that should be checked before I give up. thnx guys -sam
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