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Hi, I've had a pioneer avic f20bt for years and I still have the firmware at 3,000 and I saw in the post that there is a much more recent update for 8,000! But as much as I read I don't know how to do it! I just have to download the files that were uploaded to google drive and put them in an sd in fat32 mode and that's enough for me? Or do I have to do something else? I'm really interested but I'm quite a novice with this if you can give me a hand please. I look forward to your response. Thank you very much.

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The following information is from memory since I haven't used a Pioneer product in many years. I recommend searching for the "official" Pioneer update instructions for whatever version you are going to installl. There may be specific steps on how to install. Of course  there are steps to ignore because of the "hack" :)

I recommend finding and downloading all the needed files before doing anything since there might be old broken links. The following steps apply to most of the older generation F, Z, and X series head units US and EU):

#1 Download the map update zip file. You might have trouble finding working links. On your computer, unzip the archive in a work directory. 

#2 Download the ShortFuse hack and unzip the files into a different directory. No not mix these files with the map update files. Follow the instructions found in the ShortFuse thread. Shortfuse Link

#3 If your model number ends in 10 or 20 (example F20, F920, Z110, X920), you will probably need to replace the Cardinfo.cif file in the map update directory created in step #1. You will need to find the correct file mentioned in that update directory.

#4 Copy all the files and sub directories form #1 to an empty FAT32 formatted SD. Best if it is a small 4 - 8 GB size SD. Larger might not work.

#5 Insert SD into head unit and the update should start. When it asks for the registration password, use PASSWORDPASSWORD . The update takes about 25 minutes and should not be interrupted. Make sure your car's battery is charged or run the engine if you are not confident it will last.

There is a separate step afterwards to update the Bluetooth firmware which uses the same SD. You do this from the Bluetooth settings menu.

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Thanks a lot Ron for your reply. I found the cardinfo.cif file in one of your posts and the shortfusescrip in another of your posts. The steps to follow would be to first put the shortfusescrip in a 4gb sd card and put it in my avic f20bt once I insert it I suppose I will have to do some step and then once done I put the other 8gb sd card with the 2019 update and follow the steps and everything would be ready I think. Thanks again. I'll see if I can re-upload the cardinfo and the shortfuse here so that other users can find it quickly if they have the same model and the 2019 update is uploaded on page 6 of godzilla's post. Thanks again.

ShortFuseScript.zip CARDINFO.zip

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