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I have a firmware update!!

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I logged a call with Pioneer Customer Relations last week, and reported my problems with the F900. This morning, I received a package from them...inside was an SD card and some hastily typed instructions.


N.B. This is an update for a UK spec F900BT, so it may not apply to other models or regions...I don't know.


I ran the update at lunchtime, so haven't had much chance to play with it yet. The procedure is pretty simple - insert SD card, turn the unit on, and let it run. The update took about 10 minutes from start to finish. The old software version was 1.000.600 and the new one claims to be 1.001.500 (I think!).


Initial impressions (bearing in mind I've only had half an hour with it so far) -


- The update didn't screw the unit up...not yet anyway! :P

- USB playback is now fine in the map screen, with no stuttering.

- Bootup time may be slightly quicker, but not by much. I timed ~35 seconds to show the main menu (still with "system startup in progress" displayed), and about 55 seconds from switch on until the startup message has gone.

- The response when you touch a button may be slightly snappier in some places.


The only downside is the unit now seems to reset the "Master Volume" (under navi settings...sound settings) to full everytime it boots (twice so far), and it forgets whatever you change it back to. However, I haven't tested this much yet, and the unit hasn't been reset since the update, so I may be jumping the gun on this one.


I don't have an iplop so can't test that out, and bluetooth was fine for me before the update, so I can't say if it's improved (assuming it hasn't got worse - I haven't tried it yet!).

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So not only did they not significantly address the issues in the original firmware release, but they managed to introduce a new one?

Possibly. Until I've tried resetting the unit and/or resetting the nav back to factory defaults, I wouldn't like to say for sure.


For example, what if the old firmware stored nav volume as a value between 1 and 100, and the new one stores it as a value between 1 and 20. If mine was set to 50 and then I upgraded, the unit could interpret that as max and not be able to change it back because it's an "illegal" value. It's a long shot, but you never know...

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Right, but if they made changes like that, the firmware itself should update that value to be in the correct range.


That's just sloppy coding if it doesn't.

Quite right, or a least update the instructions to say "reset the unit after updating", but I am only guessing at possible causes. Most likely they've just screwed the coding up and no resets will fix that!! :P


My SD card had no Pioneer branding and the instructions were hastily typed on a sheet of A4, so this may not be the final update...who knows... :?:

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I'm going to venture a guess and say that it's not the "final" release of the firmware update and is more of a trial or unofficial release or something like that... based on the fact that it was procured as a result of a call to customer service to complain about the various problems with the unit and the fact that they haven't actually released any info stating that they have released the patch for distribution.

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I'm going to venture a guess and say that it's not the "final" release of the firmware update and is more of a trial or unofficial release or something like that... based on the fact that it was procured as a result of a call to customer service to complain about the various problems with the unit and the fact that they haven't actually released any info stating that they have released the patch for distribution.



Even if they don't fix all or most of the problems, as long as they can easily allow us to patch our product, I am ok with it.


Most software houses rely on patches these days unfortunately. But, take a look at the Xbox360, the PS3, ipod, etc etc, they have all gotten better over time because of patches.


Pioneer just needs to show me that they are indeed focused on improving the system, and I am happy.

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I'm going to venture a guess and say that it's not the "final" release of the firmware update and is more of a trial or unofficial release or something like that... based on the fact that it was procured as a result of a call to customer service to complain about the various problems with the unit and the fact that they haven't actually released any info stating that they have released the patch for distribution.


I hope you're right - after a reset and some more testing, the master voice/"bong" volume still has a mind of its own, the unit still skips the last few seconds of USB tracks when it feels like it, and USB resume is still flaky.


Still, at least they've fixed something... :)

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Have you called back to tell them the update was ineffectual? They may interpret no feedback as good feedback...

Customer relations are supposed to be calling me back this week...we shall see.


What exactly did they fix?

USB no longer skips on the map screen :lol:


It may have fixed my "F900 won't start up when the temp is below 16C" issue as well, but I won't know that until tomorrow morning.

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