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Phones just dont work?

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does anyones phone just straight up not work with this units bluetooth??


how can pioneer call this a phone specific issue when I can connect any other bluetooth headset to my phone but this retarded unit doesnt recognize ANYTHING I try to do with it.


I know a new update is coming out, but god damnit i paid $750 for my f700 a few months ago, and seeing the f90 for the same or less its REALLY pissing me off that i havent had fully functioning unit. . . EVER!!!! I am totally cool with spending extra on technology when it first comes out, but to have it not work for such an extended period of time that the price drops before its fully functional IS RIDICULOUS!!!!

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Some phones just don't work well. Bluethooth is not perfect, but works for most cases.



What's your phone and how are you connecting it to the unit.


For me I made my phone visable over bluethooth and then used the avic to search for devices. It picked it up first time and connected fine.


Even the address book transfered fine which was unexpected.

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