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yea, I just researched.. looks like a radio with an MRSP of $999 does not have a remote... W.T.F...


Also it only supports some apple device, an "eye phone" or something. never even seen one, in fact I thought Apple was going to fade away. I have the BEST type of phone, an Android, and this radio has limited support for it.


Not liking this radio so far... :/

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Yeah For real. "I thought Apple was going to fade away". SERIOUSLY!!! I mean I can understand if you just don't like the company but making a statement like that is just plain idiotic. Especially sense you are clearly unaware of why your Android phone has limited support up and to this point to be claiming you have the best type of phone. :roll:

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What remote?



I get it the OP is a troll ok but before you even knew they where a troll did you really have to be that rude you could have just said this 999 dollar unit does not come with a reomote LOL


ok no to the Troll OP

appl isn't going anywhere atleast not at the moment

all thought i think the Iphone is about as ho as a Palm Treo used to be back in the day cause now everyone can get a iphone verison t-mobil att and even go in and buy an unlocked one from apple so im not buying another one thats for sure



you can add a remote you need a PAC wire harness and a Pioneer remote you can search more on it it

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