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New Firmware 08.05 (10-17-2013) for AppRadio 3

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New 08.05 (10-17-2013) Firmware for AppRadio 3
SPH-DA210 (AR3 with DVD) 
SPH-DA110 (AR3 without DVD) 
AppRadio 3 (SPH-DA110, SPH-DA210) Firmware Update Version 
08.05 (October 2013) 
October 17, 2013 
Dear Valued Pioneer Customer: 
We would like to inform you of the availability of a free firmware update (version 08.05) for the Pioneer AppRadio 3 SPH-DA110 and 
SPH-DA210 in-dash multimedia systems. This firmware update applies only to AppRadio 3 units sold in the United States and 
Canada. This update (version 08.05) contains the following improvements: 
• Improved GPS communication when using compatible navigation apps with an iPhone 5 
• Adds MirrorLink support for Sony Xperia devices 
This notice explains how to obtain the free firmware update for the AppRadio 3U. If you do not own an iPhone 5 or a Sony Xperia 
device, there is no need to install this update. 
1. Download the firmware update files to a computer from the Pioneer 
website: HU
2. Transfer the files to a USB flash drive for connection to the AppRadio 3 SPH-DA110 or SPH-DA210. 
1. From the AppRadio 3 Home screen, horizontally swipe among the icons at the bottom to access the second page 
of icons and select [settings]. 
2. Tap the icon to access the System Settings screen. 
3. Scroll down through the System Settings options and select [Firmware Version Information]. 
4. If the Firmware Version shown is 08.05 or higher, the firmware update has already been applied and no further 
steps are required. If the Firmware Version is lower than 08.05, you can proceed with the firmware update. 
If you have any questions, please contact the Pioneer Customer Service Center toll free at 1-800-421-1404. Pioneer service 
representatives are available Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), except on Holidays. 
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi can you tell me for the DA-110 is there a sat nav app that can be downloaded to an ipod and used through the cars GPS? that was installed with the radio?


Assuming your iPod has no data, the best Stand Alone Nav app out there is TomTom.  (requires over a gig of space)    It's not "made for AppRadio" but should look ok in horizontal mode. 


AppRadio is really meant for a Data connected Smart Phone more than an iPod.    


You could always get a 3G/4G hot spot for data and then use the supported apps that way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got around to updating mine tonight.  


Since I have the Bypass I noticed that the Update firmware line was greyed out. (even with hand brake on)   It only became active after I launched AppRadio app on my iPhone 5S and connected the HDMI Adapter.    


My actual Lightening USB plug is inserted into a seperate hard wired 3A USB Power Port I had installed.(for faster charging)  


This means the USB Port of my AR3 is free/open.     I placed the FAT32 formatted USB Memory stick with file at the root, and it worked.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

HI All,


I am a noob for AR3, I just got one 2 days ago!!  I was trying to do the bypass with a relay, but that didn't work.  I am at firmware 8.02.  So I was wondering what bypass are you guys using?  


Will upgrading to 8.05 affect the bypass?




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Firmware will not affect the bypass. Microbypass is what you need. They have a website.

Thanks for the info.  I saw a youtube post that a guy was able to make the bypass work for a while, but then after he firmware upgraded his AR3, the bypass no longer works.  so he switched to a pain old 2 position switch. 


Would you mind giving me a link to the microbypass as there's many many I see?  I assume it's microbypass.com?

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  • 11 years later...


I know I'm quite a few years late to this. Bought a vehicle this last March, it has an App Radio SPH DA-210 but has not been updated. Contacted Pioneer and they said they only keep the last 7 years of firmware update. Bummer. I know this is a stretch but does anyone still have the 08.05 update for the App Radio SPH DA-210? 




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