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Adjusting bass and audio

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Guys there doesnt seem to be a quick way to add or remove base on this thing right? I have to use the equilizer? I think that is so annoying I hope there is a way I can quickly adjust the bass or treble etc...

If not, how exactly does the eq. work? I thought by selecting the frequency I can adjust it individually. But as I switch in the LOW from 80 to less it changes when I go back to 80. Its really weird. Could someone please explain this to me? Thanks.
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I don't fully understand your question. No, there is no 'easy' way to get to the EQ. There are 2 custom settings which only require you to toggle back and forth between them, if you don't like their pre-programmed settings.
As for adjusting the freq's: there's a nifty little feature on the Pioneer EQs that's called Q. The freq that you're trying to adjust (in this case, 80HZ) is the center frequency. Q is defined as a range of freqs adjusted that is a function of the center freq, generally labeled in pro audio gear from .5 to 1.5. ie: The range of freqs adjusted is multiplied by the Q setting; from 1/2 the center freq to 1.5 times the center freq. Pioneer does label it a little bit strangely (1narrow, 1 wide, etc.) but I think that's to relieve confusion to the average consumer.
What all this means to you, is that when you adjust 80 HZ, the Q will adjust other freqs, above and below 80HZ to smooth out the EQ curve, and you can decide with the Q how wide of a range of freqs you adjust- whether you going to pin-point 80HZ (narrow), or adjust a nice curve of freqs (wide).
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I see... That explains why if I play around with the 80 freq. then click on 40 the ound changes right away. I though ttha tI can adjust each one individually...

In terms of my original question is if there i a control for bas treble and mid. Like lets say one sing I want to add some bass, tkae away treble, next song take some bass away etc... Can I do this witout going to the sophisticated eq?

Also if I adjust frequency around the 40hz right (LOW) then go to 80 hz. Why doe the sound change right away. Seems like my adjustments I did in the 40hz curve are gone when I go to 80? Im a little confused by this. ITs like whenever I adjust a freq to my liking and move on to the next freq, the sound changes when I merely select the a different frequency but before I actually make any changes in that frequency. Why doe this occur?
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I had to play around with the EQ for well over an hour before I got it sounding to my liking. I'm sure it could still use a little additional tweaking, but right now it's sounding pretty good. I wish they would've allowed you to adjust each band individually, however.
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