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Everything posted by meall

  1. Don't know what is your source for this, but it is a very nice article about it. Thanks for sharing.
  2. I've found this thread on Apple web site: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6983232?start=15&tstart=0 One member received a note from Alpine (he/she have the Alpine iLX-007) which point to the release notes from Apple for iOS 8.3: So maybe Apple aded the wireless CarPlay features to a pre-release of 8.3 for the developers to test it, but may have pulled the feature from official release. Like said on the forums over there, maybe Apple plans it for 9.0 or another release that will be available later on in the 8.x updates. That said, nothing it really clear as if it
  3. I am finally not going to keep it. It is cool, better than my current App Radio 2, but not $500+sales taxes better... even if I recoup the sale of the AR2. Like expressed before by another user, Pioneer are very poor in interface design. Many functions are unintuitive. Just the phone functions are confusing. If connected to the unit with the USB cable, you go into the CarPlay phone menu, if via Bluetooth you get an interface that is totally different. There is many ways of seeing what's playing, and they all have different interfaces. On my AppRadio 2, I have a Best Station Mode
  4. Yea, sure, I was implying firmware/hardware. The thing is that I looked and searched everywhere and could not really find any information on how the wireless CarPlay should work. Some sites do not talk about it at all, and some are guessing it may be over Bluetooth, maybe wifi, but nothing is really sure. Basically it will appear one day probably, but no one have any clue on how it will be implemented. We may have to wait for a first vendor to implement it and reverse engineering the method!
  5. Here I am... I have ordered an AP4 from BestBuy.ca when it came in rebate last week at $499 CAD. Not an amazing price, but not too bad. I received it today, and installed it in the car. So far, I'm not so much impressed with it... CarPlay works fine, but there is so little app supported, even logical apps such as Audible or Downcast, that I'm really wondering if it is worth the price I paid for it. Even if I can sell my AppRadio 2 for a decent $200-250 (maybe more? not sure). The remaining of the unit is still a bit confusing to use. For instance, the AP2-3 were very easy to setup
  6. It makes way more senses! I have the AR2 now. BestBuy.ca have the AR4 at $499 and I'm very tempted to buy and place my AR2 on eBay.
  7. Smal question: if you say you're not using the AppRadio, what are you using exactly? Or maybe I misunderstand you comment...
  8. What is not very clear is about which protocol it will use. If it is Bluetooth, there is hope for the AP4. If wifi, this model is doomed. But I do know if Bluetooth will offer enough bandwidth to some functions such as maps.
  9. Yet another reason not to buy now: http://www.macworld.com/article/2881200/apples-first-ios-83-build-includes-wireless-carplay-and-new-emoji.html#tk.rss_all If wireless CarPlay becomes a reality, we'll see if Pioneer can update the AP4 for it or will require another iteration (AP5) to make it works. Wireless CarPlay would be the ultimate dream for short commute.
  10. The forums have been hacked, what a shame... That said, you can post pictures via links on other sites suck as ImageShack of something like this.
  11. Parrot is really intriguing, for sure. If it can do everything they advertise, it will be an amazing device. Maybe too pricey... I may try the Android stick one day. I'll see how the markets goes. But right now, at -30 celsius outside, it is less appealing to test this in the car...
  12. The Android stick solution looks like a very nice path to the issue of AR2-3 compatibility, but also requires lot of "investment" and trickery that may not be for everyone. I'm still concern about moving that way vs going AR4 or wait for the Parrot head unit eventually. Time being something precious as well, how much time do we have to invest into this versus a unit design for our end goal... Still an interesting discussion...
  13. sure that anything wireless is not perfect. I also connect everything I have at home via Ethernet, unless I have no other choice. It also remove lot of frequency interference and BW when Ethernet devices are not using the wireless band.
  14. Which is not an AR2 or AR3, right? LOL That said probably pioneers used the NEX GPS format for the AR4, as the 2 firmware are closer to each other than the previous AR firmware. In fact, the AR4 is probably a very low end NEX system.
  15. That's what I understood as well. The data exists, but is not of the same format as previous units.
  16. I agree with you. I would not have it connected to the car's battery permanently, as it will be bad for your car battery. Especially after a long week end without using the car too much. I was thinking about it, and I do not know if the batteries used to recharged iPhones, iPads and such via USB would be powerful enough. Also, In my car, I have a remote starter that have an AUX button. Maybe if I can trigger that auxiliary function to switch on the contact on the Android stick before I get into the car. Even if this would be done from the car's battery, that should not affect it too m
  17. Humm, totally confused. But I guess an Android stick do not have a GPS included, so it cannot be used for Google Maps and other software. But dI'd I understand that it is only an issue on the AR4?
  18. Not showing much in the video, but my first impression is that it is very slow to boot... Seams like eternity! But the GPS data was available somehow, not sure where they come from.
  19. What does the AR2 GPS antena does if it does not transfer the data to the phone? I mean, if you use waze or navfree, don't they get help from the head unit antena? If not, that's a scam? It also means that the stick cannot be used for Google Map navigation, right?
  20. Reading this I'm asking myself if this is another bug from Pioneers firmware or an iOS issue? That sucks as we want things to work the way we expect, no workaround...
  21. Am I wrong assuming this means upgrading the android version? I' not quite familiar with the Android versions, platform and upgrades. I just know that on cell phones that has to come from the manufacturer to the carrier then to the customers. But I'm not sure if those PC sticks can be upgraded to the latest versions without too much work.
  22. Installed a new ROM? What do you mean? A physical chip or a software ROM?
  23. Thanks I looked at the Google Play store and could not find this app specifically, but searching for AirPlay I found a few related apps...
  24. Just found something interesting for music/podcast streaming: http://www.addictivetips.com/android/stream-airplay-audio-from-iphone-to-android-using-hifi/ It sure do not allow ( at least it did not at the time of this writing) to control the media playback from the head unit, but that's another step in the right direction...
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