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About thebigjimsho

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  1. All it is is a process to get the correct 3 files on a correctly formatted SD card. Then it's a fairly quick update/reboot process. It would be so easy to just buy a bunch of microSD cards for under $10 each, download the proper files and sell them for a couple bucks more. Basically just to cover shipping. Or, have just a few cards in circulation and just ship them off to the next person...
  2. Well, I'm thrilled. I just finished my update. Being middle aged, I came into computers during my early teens and twenties. So much of my knowledge with computers and files is self taught. Therefore, I know a lot of things. But I also have big knowledge gaps. I spent hours reading this yesterday. I bought a spare microSD. Formatted correctly. Downloaded the file from piratebay. Switched the two files around. But...I inserted everything from the downloaded file onto the SD card. I missed the instructions in the original. But, for that aspect, post #301(sorry if I'm forgetting all th
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