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Posts posted by kadet18

  1. Hi here is how to  install F500BT - F700BT - F900BT - F910BT  2016 here maps q3  

    of corse you can use maps and poi and buildings

    what you need is :

    1.sd card minimum 2gb

    2. testmode 2.3

    3.ezrider.exe   here -- http://www.mediafire.com/file/3km2zgnnmdx/ez.rar#1


    1) Follow this guide: Windows CE Start with TestMode and make a backup--   http://pioneernavgate.blogfree.net/?t=1815045
    3) Extract the contents of an SD card, also enter the testmode folder and clearly for iGo material that you have purchased, such as maps and POI.
    4) Start winCE, reach MyDevice / StorageCard ezrider.exe folder copy the file and replace the one already present in the folder / MyFlashDisk / APL2 / iGo.
    5) Return on SorageCard, copy the generic license GENERIC_iGO8_WorldWide@801Product.lic and insert it into MyFlashDisk folder / APL2 / iGo / LICENSE.
    6) Return on SorageCard, copy the updated maps and insert them into MyFlashDisk folder \ APL2 \ iGo \ CONTENT \ MAP then delete the existing maps, such Italy.fbl (to cancel press on FILE besides DELETE).
    If you want to also insert the date POIs The procedure is the same, only it must be copied to the folder MyFlashDisk \ APL2 \ iGo \ CONTENT \ POI and for example you need to delete old POI as Italy1.poi and Italy2.poi.
    maps  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:r5yid6u34e4l2jfapjythuke7pq27xqa
    you need fbl file only for maps 
    poi file for poi 
    for tutorial thank to baqua from Pioneer NavGate AVIC F-Italia  and  and3001 same Pioneer NavGate AVIC F-Italia
    you must chose maps and pois etc no more then 1.7gb togeter
    hope this help sorry for my english   I am from romania




  2.  ok I don't understand what is happened with torrent but you can give me your home address or PO box how you wish and I will send you a dvd with igo primo working including everything ,just copy on a sd card and put in your f550bt
    I will send you the dvd in a anvelope like a letter and this will be free of charge I don't need money . can I send you the original RTNavi program but unfortunate when I put it on torrent I lost the maps. I don't know why but it happens so you can't use it because the maps from primo are not good with rtnavi because of licences .Naviextras don't update  the maps it only update some pois but whit Mobilenavigator you have all you need except in this moment speedcams .For speedcams and other pois you can go to www. poiplaza.com . you will find everything you wish
    if you wish RTNavi program just let me know and I will send you a dvd together with dvd mobilenavigator . everything is free of charge  because I just try to help.
    I don't make money with this., best regards

  3. ok here is the original software (copy of sd card) for europa just copy in to your sd card ,  go to naviextras download program and follow the steps




    here  is igo primo v2.0 software only so you need maps poi etc but whit this version you can use the last maps  (don;t forget to rename igoprimo to Mobilenavigator and igoprimo.exe to Mobilenavigator.exe




    here you have the last maps for europa ,pois and buildings 



    if you have the jack with wires for reverse camera please take a picture for me( with jack and wires in the same picture ) or if you don't use it those wires I'd like to buy from you, just let me know the price including delivery for Romania ,I will pay you with paypal
    thanks and hope this help you


    sorry for my english

  4. try this




    for gps you need igo primo v2 on micro sd card (8gb class 10)

    if you downioad from internet ,you must rename folder igo primo  to Mobilenavigator and  igo primo.exe to Mobilenavigator.exe


    for software  http://www.gpszone.ro/infusions/pro_download_panel/download.php?did=53


    for maps  http://www.gpszone.ro/infusions/pro_download_panel/download.php?did=695

    you must create an account first for software and maps


    hope this help you    sorry for my poor english

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