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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Big thanks for answer. Finally, i repaired my avic. It was a few things which interrupt my success. 1st - i was made sd image without disabled WARP mode(i used for recovery dd on Linux Mint desktop). 2nd - TestmodeN key - i thought about it after reading site https://github.com/bassrock/AVIC-NEX/(isuccessfully made code/decode keys, and found that testmodeA key has name XXTECHNICALXX ) but after a lot of unsuccessful attempts to recover avic with testmodeA key i had a fear to try this key. Now i took a image from other avic and "make it alive". Now it is all working P. S. По повоÐ
  2. Hi, guys. I would ask you question about restore device from backup image. After i made some experiment with my avic-f960bt and i broke it. I tried to restore it by backup script, i just reverse the "dd" command(dd bs=1048576 if=/mnt/udisk1/fullsd.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0), but nothing's happened. Now, the device shows a text "bla-bla-bla, go to the service center". is there any specific features of restoring process? Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english))
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