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About Misterb

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  1. I don't know about that. I've had multiple iPods attached to various sources over the years, and this has never happened to me before.
  2. Sounds interesting, but I don't follow how you're going about this. Do you mind expanding on it a bit?
  3. That's not a solution. If I've hit the pause button, pause should be pause, and should remain as such unless I push pause again. I suppose I could also smash the unit with a hammer before exiting the vehicle too, huh? Pioneer. Are you listening? Please test your units next time before releasing them to the public.
  4. I found that if I'm listening to the iPod on my D3, and I hit the pause button to stop it from playing- that after I turn the car off and then get back in and start the car again, it starts playing the song automatically at startup. Very annoying. Today I drove to an appointment. On the way there, I was rocking out to some music on the iPod attached to the D3. I hit pause, and then turned the car off. I pick up two business guests to ride with me. I start the car, and they're greeted with my D3 blasting in their ears the last song I played! It did it to me a couple more times later on t
  5. At first, that sounded like a pain, but now I'm starting to think this will be the best option. Thanks
  6. I hope you're joking... I'm surprised you didn't recommend I buy an FM transmitter for the iPod...
  7. I've got Sirius with an R2 and an AVIC-D3. Talk type shows sound great. Some music sounds great, such as Sinatra. Unfortunately, the rock stations and the pop stations don't sound all that great. They're just missing some of the punch that I get when listening to the iPod with this same setup. Have you folks noticed this? I thought one of the big selling points for satellite radio besides it being mostly commercial free, was the sound quality. Hell, you can even pay a few extra bucks per month to get "CD quality sound" from the Serius web site on your PC. Why don't I get "CD quality
  8. I'm trying to get a handle on what I'll need to add XM to my AVIC-D3, and what it will cost. I'm sure it has been discussed before, but prices change. What about installation? Is it a big deal? Thanks
  9. What's the deal, did the people at Pioneer never actually use their product before they released it? Five minutes actually using it would have told them that it is absolutely unacceptable to have to literally press a damn button 200 times to get to the album you want.
  10. ...to get to the song I want? This is on an AVIC-D3 Let's say I have 300 pages of artist names, and the one I want to listen to alphabetically comes in at number 150. Do I really have to either press the up or down arrow 150 times to get to that artist, or hold the button down and listen to it beep 150 times and wait minutes for it to get there? This can't be right. I must be missing something. Pioneer wouldn't possibly be that idiotic, would they? I mean, why copy over the look and feel of the scroll wheel, if it isn't going to allow the ability to quickly scroll down your lists
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