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  1. I've also found a PDF on the European Pioneer website mentioning the update and a set of update instructions:: https://products.pioneer-car.eu/sites/pioneer_products/files/avh-z9200bt_dab_fw_update_instruction_ver107.pdf Here is the changelog from the European website: https://products.pioneer-car.eu/sites/pioneer_products/files/avh-z9200bt_dab_change_history_ver107.pdf Here is a French site listing the firmware update too: https://www.touslesdrivers.com/index.php?v_page=23&v_code=78529&v_langue=en
  2. I just noticed that firmware version 1.07 for the AVH-Z9200DAB has been released on the Australian Pioneer website. Its the first public release I've seen for that model but I haven't tried it myself. You can download it from the following page: https://www.pioneer.com.au/shop/uncategorized/avh-z9200dab/
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