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About gizze

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  1. Thanks for that, just that I had a play with a mates xperia P the other night and it felt really nice. Plus the sound using my trusty old Sennheiser in ear 'phones was great. Maybe I will buy one contract free and try it out. What cable would I need for the Appradio? Will it show the free nav app OK on the Pioneer too?
  2. I have been an iPhone user for years now, but the iPhone 5 has made me really doubt Apple so thinking of having a change. Like the look of the Xperia units to have a change, but wondered if anyone had been using them and if so your thoughts?
  3. Can someone just point me in the direction of execution line for the brightness control?? I want to create a button that takes me straight to that screen. Thanks
  4. I'm not using the amp. In fact I'm not using the F500 for media either as the sound is just so poor. Just Nav and bluetooth. I have disconnected the mute wire for now.
  5. But it still mutes. There is Mute which should mute completely. ATT - which attenuates the volume slightly (but only works with the Pioneer amp and when playing media through the F500 itself) Normal - which is what I thought would not MUTE the radio, however it does, so I presume this only means it will not mute the Pioneer amp?? It says... Switching the sound muting/attenuation You can select the muting method when the navigation guidance is output. When you use a mobile phone connected with Bluetooth technology (dialling, talking, incoming call), the AV source
  6. Thanks for that. I have 1 night and 10 for day and it is a pain not switching automatically.
  7. Is it possible to set the unit to dim when it switches to night mode?? Or even could someone point me in the direction of a 'how to....' create a shortcut button on the main display that takes me straight to the 'Brightness Adjust' screen?? Also, is it possible to edit when it switches?? I take it that it switches based on when they say night is, however I would rather it switch an hour earlier. Thanks.
  8. Does anyone know where the line of code is that tells the F500BT to mute the radio when it is giving out nav instructions?? I really want the mute for the phone but not Nav, I don't want my music muted at every junction. I have taken out the amp as it was such terrible quality, and I have the phone set to auto answer after 3 rings, so having the mute for the phone is perfect, but need to disable it for the nav. Thanks!
  9. The fact the same update is advertised at $75 (£48 at todays rate) on the Pioneer US website makes this a real piss take though. I bought an F500BT in December and it has maps that are from 2005, I know it says 2007 on them but they are 2005 maps as I have iGo maps from 2006 on another unit and the roads near me are on them, and they are not on this so it must be 2005 mapping which is pretty poor. I would be more than happy to pay £50 for the update and I do believe in this day and age where you get between 12-24 months worth of updates from people like Navigon, Pioneer Europe should
  10. Just realised this was 10 days ago. What did it fetch mate??
  11. Well you can buy one online for £800 with the free 160gig Ipod Classic, which sells for £160 all day long on ebay. So as someone considering swapping my F500BT for a 910 I am looking at it as the 910 will cost me £640. So buying used I would to make a saving on that really. I guess the hassle of not selling the ipod sort of balances out not getting a new unit, however, it will always be registered in your name, so will the downloads etc. I would guess most people would be looking at £550, saving £90 over new?? It is only going to come down as well, look how quickly the £10
  12. gizze

    BMW 1 Series

    Yeah I saw that. I think I will order one from connects2 and see what it is like. So, who wants to buy an F500 in the UK??
  13. gizze

    BMW 1 Series

    That fascia is made by connects2 and they said that it is for the 3 series only, they said the 1 series is slightly different. I would tend to agree as I have the OEM nav sat here with the OEM fascia for the 3 series and it doesn't fit the 1 series. If they have tried it though and it fits then I may order one and give it a bash, I like the AVIC unit but the 500BT is flawed with its terrible line level out.
  14. gizze

    BMW 1 Series

    The tray is a part that comes with BMWs "Navigation Portable Plus", which is a rebadged Garmin 765T. The tray part number is... Part number is and the price was £22.71 retail plus vat. It replaces the storage tray found on some 1 series cars, if you don't have a storage tray you have to order one of those first... http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do ... g=51&fg=95 This comes with a template to cut the hole in the dash, so you are really spending €45 for a template, but at least it doesn't end being in the wrong place!! I then used a
  15. gizze

    BMW 1 Series

    You really need to get a custom double din fascia made up, and you have to hack the radio cage when done as well. I fitted an F500 into the OEM portable nav tray on mine... The unit is OK, but nothing more. The output levels are terrible so you need a line driver, but then you also need a ground loop isolator to cut out noise. I had it wired up so the radio mutes with nav and tel, but I only wanted it to mute with the phone, and you can't choose that which is really annoying. I have it hooked up to the aux, so when the phone rings I switch using the steering wheel
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