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About wes_robinson

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  1. i know how to set the time, but this up 3 down 3, plus the summer time is bullshit, how can such a great unit have such a stupid clock, im in altantic canada and my unit show 1 hour behind..
  2. what about setting the time zone, and also what does that wire go to.
  3. ok quick question on the bypass thats been beat to death, the harness that has the mute wire is not installed in my car to the back of the unit, if i ground the park break wire or simpley attach it to the other side of the park break would it still work, i have an 02 elantra. also who know who to set the time zone.
  4. so does anyone know how to change the time zone
  5. i can get to the time setting but it only allows me to adjust up and down 3 hours, 4 if i used summer time, its stuck in pacific time so adjusting the hours im still out of range, ive used the gps it sense my location and everything just fine so how come it wont since its in an atlantic timezone.
  6. any one have ideas how to change the time, its still stuck on pacific time.
  7. no i mean what features do i loose as a result of the bypass well the compass needle change, ive heard rumors, some guys put a switch on it so they can swtich back in forth so then can have full use. i just thoguht by full use they lost a few features.
  8. sweet will do, what about the time lol how do i get it off pacific time to atlantic. also, what features are lost by the bypass,
  9. i was think just gettin a extra pin and running a wire from that pin str8 to ground along with the park brake, i notice alot of ppl on here were having problems with the bypass not working atcertain speeds, its probly cause the speed sensor wire is still connected. id be happy if i can get the time right first.
  10. hmm that sucks for the by pass might have to trick it some how, but yeah im getting a full gps signal.
  11. so yeah just bought a d3, live in nova scotia canada, atlantic time and i cant get it to the right hours, puzzeled tried everything, can anyone help also for the bypass heres a new problem, i dont have the a/v cable installed on the park brake cable so if i ground that will everythign work just the same or is the mute cable a must for a proper bypass.
  12. so yeah just bought a d3, live in nova scotia canada, atlantic time and i cant get it to the right hours, puzzeled tried everything, can anyone help
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