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About sharkray

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  1. Nice installation.......but I had to use my finger to block out Justin Timberlak's name to appreciate all its glory .
  2. I'm in the same boat. I proposed a sticky for users who recently bought their AVICs indicating price, date of arrival, date of order, customer service etc.... for this very reason. Potential buyers could rate trends. How bout it ducatiboy? Callin you out!
  3. thats just wrong.........but let me know if you find it too
  4. No prob. Thanks for the help. I figure it's somewhere on the transaxle. May the hunt begin!
  5. cntrylvr7t9, it says yellow wire at the trans? Could you elaborate a little. Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks cntrylvr79. You're an asset to the site. Ducatiboy, you know you're the man.
  7. "Why don't you order the Z1 tomorrow?".....the wife muttered. I thought I was dreaming. Needles to say, I need to strike while the irons hot. I've been floating around this great site for about 3 months and have a couple questions. 1. Wiring info for 2003 Saturn Vue ("merry xmas" ) 2. The million dollar question....(that's been asked a million times)...Where do I buy it? It's a dynamic question. Surely the answer changes weekly. We need to have a sticky where members can go after they by the z1 or any AVIC for that matter, and report price, date of order, date of arrival, date
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