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Posts posted by jrdiesel

  1. I don't think it's the Pre-outs, only because he had no problems with the eclipse and that had 5v pre-outs. I couldn't find any Ohm info for the Eclipse however.


    Good call.


    How long does it take for the amp to cut out?

    Does it stay off for a bit and then come back on, or is it back on right away when the volume gets turned down?

    Will it play forever on 29, but cut out once it hits 30?

    Where is the amp, is there anything resting on top of it that could cause it to heat up more?

    How old and beaten up (abused) are the subs?

    Is it only when a hard/heavy bass note hits?

  2. rough translation...



    if you please, if you please, tell me how i make "something" my pioneer avic f700bt?

    i bought a US version and I am in France.

    how can i put the europe maps on the AVIC F700BT

    help me help me if you please.


    I have barely spoken french since 1994, sorry for the rough translation.

  3. Hi all!!


    Just got a refund from my dealer today. And got a clarion MAX983HD installed. Now THAT'S a good navigation system. Startup almost instant. Much more user-friendly. Even more functionalities. And I haven't found one single bug (yet :smile: ), where I had found many the first day on my Pioneer.


    Sorry to all persons that are frustrated with their Pioneer device. Thanks for your support. I sincerely hope you can find a decent arrangement with your dealer too.


    To all the others that are happy, pretend to be happy or force themselves to be happy, good luck with your f-series.


    And last but not least to my dear Diane. Count to ten slowly again and say: 'I should not feel offend this quickly'. I never felt offend myself, even though some people write in a rather direct way, and I never intended to offend anyone either, nor did my quality of life go down because of the purchase of the f-series, I'm just being honest with myself, try to have eye for detail and stand up for my rights, and this all while having fun. That's all.


    This said, I have to say this is a great forum with lots of interesting visitors. And I have visited it with great interest every single time. Keep up the good work!!! Hope I can find a similar one for my Clarion. However I doubt it. That, I guess, is the negative side of a device that is working well...


    I miss him already. PLEASE COME BACK TO US!!!!

  4. snip

    If you bought a brand new car that cost you $45,000.00 and this Pioneer head unit was installed as a factory add on, would you still except the substandard operation of the product? I doubt it. You would be the first people in line at the service department within days of buying the car.


    Want to know why most nav. systems in new cars work flawlessly? Because the car manufactures would not accept second best and in a push comes to shove situation with a supplier they would not hesitate to sue them, and/or withhold payment. snip


    One model of car, one radio. Unlike Pioneer who is making one radio for over 5000 different makes, models, years, thousands of cellphones, with different bluetooth stacks. Too many variables to predict how it will react. Of course the auto manufacturer can make a product work, they have a more controlled scenario.


    And then include Microsoft Windows....yikes.

  5. Not sure about where you guys live, but I wasn't able to "test drive" my F90 before I bought it. I had to special order it, and am pretty sure I may have been the first one here to get one. I saw the commercial online and I bought it.


    I like to think that I am familiar with electronics, so if something isn't working the way it is supposed to I google it. (Yes google is a verb.) I found this forum, and now I have all this wonderful info at my fingertips. Even before I installed 2.0 my F90 wasn't working poorly. Keep in mind how many variables there are in car audio. Speaker placement, Dash sizes, resistance to ground, and lets not forget about how many different models of Bluetooth cell phones there are out there. No two situations will be completely identical, so Pioneer would have no way of predicting how it will react in every vehicle, with every cell phone imaginable.


    Regardless, I love this unit. And being that it does run on Windows, there will always be somebody out there trying to improve it. I am not sure if Kenwood or Alpine, etc. have that kind of worldwide support. My cell phone has WM6.1 and people are writing new stuff for it everyday (almost).




    If there is heavy traffic ahead or an accident, do you call the city and tell them to fix it or else you will sue them? No, you take the next exit and you go around it.


    Gas prices were sky-rocketing back in the summer. Do you sue GM for making a truck that sucks back the gas, or maybe sue Shell, Esso or Petro-Can for jacking up the prices? No, you do some research and you find a hybrid, or a smaller less powerful *Ford* truck to save you some money.


    Lawsuits are out of control. Buyer beware is a good rule of thumb. With the internet available to pretty much everybody, there is no excuse for not doing research and reading reviews about the product you are about to buy. With Ebay also available to everybody, I am sure you could sell your AVIC to somebody, buy the Kenwood or Alpine, etc. and avoid the headache of a lawsuit in the process. Cut your losses and move on...


    Give your head a shake.

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