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Everything posted by BorisM

  1. More scripting fun. in SYS.TXT file (iGO program directory) add: mapfontscale=130 in [iNTERFACE] section. This will make street names on the 2D map larger (adjust number to your preference. In [3d_config] roadsign_lines_per_screen=15 Smaller numbers seem to make street names on 3D map larger. In the main navigatemap_800_480.ui file you can add a layer with a string that has textmodel_wstr="map.cursorpos.righthousenumber" (And lefthousenumber). THis will display actual (well, given map quality more approximate) house addresses to the left and right. I would put it somewhere
  2. Most probably, I would think. Unless you just tried redoing the archive under OSX natively...
  3. More info. START_APPLICATION "filename.exe" will start an external executable (in iGO directory). With a proper path it might start any other executable on the system...
  4. Speaking of iGO hacking... Have anyone managed to get the PC version of IGO 8 to work with Pioneer's DATA.ZIP? I've taken it as far as starting with a properly sized Pioneer loading screen, but then it crashes with FFUIERROR: Code = 8 error and quits. If we could get it working on a PC, it would make testing skin changes out so much easier...
  5. Since Stephanie is using a Macintosh, those are Mac-specific resource fork files... You can safely remove them from the ZIP file (the file will be quite a bit smaller, too, which is always good)...
  6. People say that fields 1,2,3,5,6 and 13 separators are necessary. everything else is optional.
  7. There's a program called IGO8 User.upoi creator which can generate .upoi file from From some reasearch... Apparently, IGO2006 format POIs could be saved into /content/userdata/poi folder. .upoi file seems to have somewhat different format depending on the country where you are and whether the address is saved with the POI, but here's what could be found: (No address) 1. - Number 2. Type (POI category) 3. Name 4. Looks like the icon branding pointer and/or category, subcategories dot-separated 5. Latitude 6. Longitude 7. -- 10. Not clear 11. Phone Number 12. Description 1
  8. Do you have steering wheel controls hooked up?
  9. It does take forever to F90-BT to finally recognize that реуку is a hard drive attached, but it does work with Buffalo Mini-Station 250GB portable hard drive. It does, however, require that you run secondary power cable to the hard drive... Now to figure out why Pioneer's idea of "random play" is to always start with the same one bloody song...;
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