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Everything posted by john_tsouris

  1. I'm making an educated guess, but I believe we are dealing with a company that has two or more entirely separate divisions making these products, and the team who is responsible for the "Z" series are stuck in their ways. In other words, it might as well be two or more entirely different companies making each series of NAV, and the company making the "Z" sucks. LG is the same way. I own an LG VX1000 cell phone, or should I say crap phone. On my outer touchscreen is a button to unlock the touchscreen, which means the second it goes in my pocket, something rubs against it, unlocking the s
  2. The JVC unit was about $800, but it's MSRP is about the same as the Z110. The JVC interface speed was very fast, and it definitely has the search along a route function. The map screen was also very nice, compared to the lousy screens of the Kenwood and Alpine. I cannot test bluetooth in the store. I really like Pioneer, I just bought the wife a Z110, but the lack of features is maddening. If I don't get solid word that Pioneer is fixing this, I will not buy another for my car. I drive 50,000 miles a year, and MUST know what is coming along my route rather than the estimated amount
  3. According to the eBay seller, he sells a ton of these cables, and PIONEER customers who own the newest units all report back that aftermarket cables do not work. All readers should get a Pioneer authentic CD-IU50V cable, and not just any new cable.
  4. No ability to search for POI along a route. No split screen. Still using "due to expire soon" MSN. Sirius GUI still looks like poop. Oh, but an "Eco" function that zero people will use. Great. I can see my environmental impact while trying to filter through 25 restaurants I passed 2 hours ago and the Sirius screen still looks like it was programmed on a 1982 Apple II. VBLUE42, you said "I have requested that feature be added in a future update." about route POI searching. Are you in touch with someone at Pioneer? Because any of us could certainly send in a request to Pioneer an
  5. I had the code, then it went away. I wrote it down, and MSN has it anyway. I tried activation in what was supposed to be a strong signal area. I will try again in a very strong signal area, but it would be nice to know where that is via a strength meter on the Z.
  6. Jeez oh man. Pioneer, we need to see that signal for installation and activation troubleshooting..... Thanks Vblue
  7. I am having the same exact problem. I have a new Z110, and I receive FM radio just fine it seems. I have tried having them send the activation code three times, and it still says "Inactive". I see absolutely no place where it shows signal strength. My MSN serial key, which used to show on the status screen, is now missing, but it still shows "Inactive" and every button is greyed out.... What am I missing? Thanks.
  8. The Sportster was used, so not unexpected to have problems. What threw me was that both the used sportster and the new stiletto were rebooting the same way. The stiletto now works on a fully charged battery. The ipod cable was purchased new from eBay. It's physical appearance was very robust. It's a very heavy duty cable. The Z was new from Car Toys.
  9. I'm going to try a different ipod first, as I don't have another cable. But this ipod worked fine with the old CD-IB100II. I'm going to continuity test my cable, too. Thanks! P.S. I also have the issue where the unit switches from other sources to ipod upon powerup. Anybody find a fix for that yet? Thx.
  10. Ugh. I actually just got this to work. I swapped the Sportster 4 out for the new Stiletto, and it all of a sudden worked. I think last night when the Stiletto rebooted, my car battery was low. So it now works, and I have a bad Sportster 4. Having other equipment to swap out certainly helps troubleshooting.... Thanks!
  11. Oh, yes.... sound is fine on all other sources. Thanks
  12. Hey. I have a brand new Z110. Ipod sound only comes out of the right speakers, even after wiggling the cable. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  13. Hey I just installed a brand new Z110 with a Sirius connect kit, Sirius interface CD-SB10, and a Sportster 4. Upon starting the car, the display on the Sportster 4 shows "Sirius Connect" for a few seconds, then goes blank and restarts... over and over and over. I actually have two CD-SB10's, two Sirius connect kits, and a brand new Sirius Stiletto 2, so I tried both of those and a new set of cables all around. Power is on at the power connector on the Sirius connect Same issue. Anyone have an idea?
  14. Who in the world do you know that works in the "Product Planning Area" of Pioneer? We would all like to have a word with this person!!!!!!! And I'm not kidding! Are you being serious? -J
  15. Okay. where does the ipod cable plug in? To one of the wiring harnesses? It has to be, as their image of the back does not show a USB port. Also, I just checked out the Pioneer web page. They have TWO links for accessories on the Z110 page, and one of them does show only the IU50V. The other one shows multiple cables. I of course chose the latter. I am VERY glad to see Pioneer did not uglify the Z110 by putting the USB on the front. P.S. When one clicks on the IU50V cable page, Pioneer shows the cable plugged into the front of what appears to be the X910BT. They should be m
  16. Okay, I'm thinking that the ipod cable type needed must match whatever video input Jack is next to the USB port on the Z110. However, the Pioneer web site pictures do not show where the USB cable plugs in on the front of the unit. Is there a plastic cover over the inputs? Thx...
  17. Okay, I see four possible Ipod cables from the Pioneer web site that give video and total control of the ipod through the Z110, and very little info on the forum search other than "use the IU50V". Thanks in advance for the answer(s): 1. Which cable is best..... and why? 2. I see all of these cables use USB.... and the image @ Pioneer.com does not show a USB port/jack on the back of the Z110. Were the Pioneer engineers so dumb as to make users plug a big ugly cable ONLY into the front of this nice, new receiver? There is no USB connector other than the front panel? Even the Pion
  18. Hello. For those that have owned both of these units: 1. How does the interface/button/menu of the 910 speed compare to an AVIC-Z1/Z2/Z3? 2. Does the X have a detour function? Thanks! -J
  19. Hi Vblue42 You seem to know a lot about these units. I'm old school. I feel this thing should be a navigation system first, and then they should add bells to it. Kind of like a cell phone should make good calls first, and view you tube only after that. I've never used the voice control because the technology to make that feature good is a good 5-10 years off. The larger screen is barely so on the Z. In my case, the better GPS outweighs the smaller screen. Just how "slow" is the user interface? Slower than the Z series? Also, Pioneer's web site specifically shows the X91
  20. Hello. I was about to pull the trigger on a Z110BT, but it looks like the X910BT does more. Questions..... thanks in advance for answers!!!!! 1. Does this unit have the ability so search POI's along a route?? The z110 cannot. 2. Does this unit have "split screen" showing a 3D view on one side and 2d map on the other like the old Z series? 3. How fast is the user interface when accessing an IPOD or music/video on the SD card? 4. Can this unit do plain AVIC FEEDS, letting me program my own POI's into it? 5. Does anyone know of anything the Z110 can do that this one C
  21. It is very frustrating. I might drop a letter to Pioneer's US HQ. As for the programming being made in Japan, I must disagree. Only American companies can drop the ball like this. Ever play a Wii game? It's shocking how well made it is. If Nintendo made the Z110, we would be in a completely different situation right now. I'm traveling up North this week, and I'm definitely stopping at Crutchfield for an entire day. I will put each brand through the ringer. You know, it's quite possible that a Wal-Mart product might carry more features than the Pioneer Z110, and that's a shame.
  22. You're kidding! Pioneer has this feature in other models, but not the flagship???? See, this kind of thing really pixxes me off about Pioneer. It makes you want to sit down with these guys and ask "What are you thinking"??? I think I'm going to drive North to Virginia's Crutchfield retail outlets and test drive the other brand names. I may have to change my thinking that Pioneer is the best nav on the market, even though I've been using them for nearly half a million miles in the last several years. It just seems like a slap in the face that Pioneer would put features into ot
  23. Excellent answers! I'll have to track one of these units down. Anyone at 411 here in touch with engineers at Pioneer? Can you imagine if the next software update could include a bunch of fixes initiated by the forums here? That would make the Z111 the best nav on the planet. I'm having trouble believing that there is no split screen. It seems to me that the structure of the unit's display can do it, but the engineers just didn't put that in as an option. The Z2 to Z3 update from Pioneer even expanded the split screen options... giving a 2D/2D option in addition to the 3D/2D option
  24. Thanks! Unfortunately, I have no dealer in my area that has one to play with.... Thanks again! -J
  25. Hey gang. I've used the Z's for years now. My current Z1 unit has 140,000 loooong miles on it. The bugger survived upgrades to Z2, then Z3....as well as two theft attempts. Looking at upgrading to the new Z110 from my two current Z3's, and what I'm hearing is mixed so far. I have questions. Thanks THANKS T H A N K S! For those that respond! And please don't tell me to look elsewhere as the answer is buried somewheres else in the forum... I have done so already and didn't see all the questions answered..... Thanks again. The following questions attempt to ascertain if Pion
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