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Everything posted by watkch01

  1. If it really is this easy to make it work on 3.X I might just have to update. Though I see no real reason to
  2. A shame you called it quits. Ive been out of the loop for a few weeks, but doesnt 3.0 have a tracklog memory improvement? Perhaps that may be of use in some way to retain data?
  3. Any effort you continue to put into this is greatly appreciated. I look forward to any progress you are able to make
  4. watkch01

    how to mod

    Only problem is that a good majority of the bitmaps are unviewable.
  5. Its been discussed. The converter box can be run through the front aux in. You can also get splitters for the RCA cables and switch the unit back and forth from iPod to video as needed.
  6. I was wondering why this thread is only three people.
  7. Actually posts like this is why good people go away.... Then why are all the good people still here? N-S-E-W, boris, IDT........
  8. Nope, none of them. Every time I start the car, they would all reset. Ill have to try switching between trips when I shut down. I dont have the trip comp on the map screen, only as its own window. Whether that has any impact on how it works or not I dont know
  9. This is what I did. My goal was to make a button to link directly to the TC from the map screen. To do so, I decided to replace the 2D/3D button with the link button. Not having this button meant I needed a new place for it, so I converted the compass (still the original round one) to the 2D/3D control. The script in the navigatemap_800_480 file is as follows: The compass ring bmps are just a perimeter circle the size of the compass with a transparent center so I didnt have to deal with layering things correctly. The trip comp bmp was posted earlier in the thread. All three button image
  10. A retained memory would be great, especially when I have to shut the car off for such things as filling the tank during a twelve hour drive. Losing the data kinda sucks. As it is though, I still love the thing
  11. It most certainly can get confusing
  12. If youre doing what I did and only having the TC as its own screen but dont want a button on the nav screen all the time, you can either make an invisible button, use a pre-existing onscreen feature as a button, or you can absolutely make a link in another menu if you know where and how.
  13. It really is pretty genius. As soon as I saw it I was excited. I have several large trips in my future that Id love to have all this information for. Even using it just to time how long it takes to get to any given location for future reference or whatever. Even if I dont end up keeping your layout, having the coding to make this work will be fantastic.
  14. I added the few things i missed manually. I had coincidentally already found the changes in the main.ui file
  15. Thanks. The template file stuff was the only thing I ended up missing after a while looking file by file. Put it in, and it looks like it will be a great new toy. Ill have to do something about the ghost writing at the top of the screen. ********************** For anyone interested, I have a full three-phase button for it:
  16. Before I go blowing up the unit, are there any hidden references to the trip comp in any .ui? Or am I good with just adding tripcomputer_800_480 to the ui folder and a button referencing it in navigatemap? Edit: And images of course. Ill have to hunt those down
  17. I think its about 50/50. Like mute buttons that X out the speaker when the sound is muted.
  18. People have been working on this for a while. I dont know if anything was solved in the time I was gone, but last I knew there was no functional solution.
  19. Sounds to me like I have a project for tonight then once I see what the final version of yours is like. I guess its time for me to get working on that button
  20. I might do that. I figured I would work off of N-S-E-W's final trip comp and just tool it to better suit me. But since thats there I may try my hand
  21. I think it would be a good idea to have a compass, current altitude, and current speed on there somewhere. I found this after a quick search for an idea. Maybe Ill make a scale model of an idea that can be chopped up for the graphics files if anyone shows enough interests and/or wants to work on programming. Also, do the speed fields display only whole number increments, or do they display decimal values like the GPS information screen? For those, such as myself, who may be interested in incorporating this into the factory skin, Im going to work on a button design that
  22. Actually around 5:30pm EST I had a complete satellite blockout for maybe 5 minutes in an area that usually picks up five or six very strong signals.
  23. Im still using the factory skin, so its only moving the button around. Im just trying to pull this stuff out and work it in to my setup.
  24. I replaced this: with this: Thats the only thing I touched. Both images are just the outer circle of the compass so I didnt have to worry about the button layering over the compass. The button also still works perfectly.
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