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Everything posted by h2o4001

  1. Diaftia, Do you think it will be possible to add the date to the mod? I was thinking it would be nice to have the date display throughout the mod, but in particular on the map screen. Got another question too. With the speedcams, I saw where you can set the over speed tolerance for them, is there a particular setting for the cams you have to use that with? Even when I'm under the speed, it's still warning me about it. I would like to have it where if I'm speeding then warn me, otherwise don't Thanks for the great mod!!!! Ryan
  2. Diaftia, Question for you, do you think that the quick launch buttons can incorporate the tilt and rotate buttons for when you are in the 3D mode? Or is there a way to adjust that within the unit that I'm missing? Thanks for all you've done with this mod! Have a great day!
  3. Diaftia, Thank you for all your hard work on this! I do have a question for you though. I tried adding a speed cam and when I clicked done, I got an error. I got the same error when I tried edditing/deleting the cam too. After the error the only thing that I can do is reset the unit to get the navigation portion working again. IGO8 - Failed to open file: k_but_dest_home.bmp#3 exiting application. Can you take a look into this? Or direct me on where you think the problem is coming in? Thanks again for all you've done! Sincerely, R.
  4. I figured it out! I don't know how many times I read the post saying you have to update the file name for rar13 for the underscores... Duh... I hadn't done that, so when I extracted the files, I was getting errors, I thought I had gotten around them because I was able to find all the maps/pois for the states that had data in them. Boy was I wrong. As soon as I updated the name of 13rar, extracted everything and transferred them to the unit it worked beautifully! Thanks everyone for your help!
  5. I'm not sure that my map files are correct... My 13rar only had files in the POI folder, none in the MAP and Building folder... Ugh
  6. Continuation - tried just using the updated POI's and that also caused it to continously reboot (after the music started and the system starting up please wait message displayed). I'm at a loss...
  7. I did, the ones that came with CHM 928 mod and I tried the ones on page 2 of this thread (the ir.zip link). Same things kept happening. There is one thing, when I downloaded the files and extracted them, i did receive several errors (mainly some of the maps had 0kb - it appears to only have been the ones that were first listed in the next file - going from 1 to 2, the first on listed in two would be a repeat of the last one in 1, but it would be empty - make sense?). By going through them all, I was able to get all the maps - for a total of 814 MB - roughly. The POI - 401 MB. Buildings - 4
  8. Ok, so I used CMH 928 mod to install the 2008.4 maps that I downloaded (I got all 13 rar's). I extracted them all, combined them into the appropriate folder (POI, BUILDING, Map), put them on my SD card, put that into my unit, started it up and waited as it transferred all the files. After it finished copying everything, I restarted the unit and the music came on and it had the System starting up message please wait, so I did, it kept that up for a little bit, then it restarted. I let it do that a couple of times and each time it would restart. So the next thing I did was replace the POI fi
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