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Everything posted by kd6duu

  1. YES, it works!!! I love it!! Text box needs a bit bigger though, it is tight squeeze, but hey I can live with that when it shows feet.
  2. I have your hybrid mod 10/10/09 on the unit, is that then compatable? Lou
  3. I hope this works, I will find out in a couple of weeks when I go to our place up North at 6K feet, this will be sweet!! Let ya know, lou
  4. Hi Stevfuri, These 3 files that got mistakenly deleted are not part of the update unfortunately, if they were I could insert them in manually, or reinstall. these are files on the system where user preferances are stored from what I can tell. All I need to know is the 3 names and file extensions and can ceate from there, I hope. A copy of the 3 would be best. The word doc shows where and which 3 I am missing. At least I have to thank you for replying. Lou
  5. Ok, maybe for help I need visiual aids. I need these three files. I hope someone out there will help. If you can at least let me know the names and file types I can create them. Help me.doc
  6. Ok, here are the files/folders I do have. I know there are some backup... files, that is what I am looking for. Thanks, Lou
  7. First off I have been here a while and have loved all the support and knowledge being tossed around. Now, first time I need a bit of help. I have gone to the verision 3.0 on my F700BT, however I got a little froggy with the pasting of the flashdisk. I thought I was in the old flash disk but was in the my device level yet, so it started copying files, once I realised what was up I cancelled and drilled down in the flashdisk and pasted there. Once all files were copied I went back to my device level and killed what I thought were the added file, ooppsss! I seem to have inadvertanly killed the 2-
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