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About CountBuggula

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  1. You can actually do this if you load the mp3s from a CD instead of SD/USB. Who knows why Pioneer decided to make it start from the beginning only from flash media.
  2. I have a F700 2.0 - and have never once been able to get VC working properly. I've had it call the wrong person plenty of times, and have it tell me it didn't understand what I'm saying when I try to change audio sources and such, but that's about it. That's really been one of the biggest disappointments for me in this unit...that and the incredibly sluggish response time to do...anything. Push button, wait 2 seconds for response. Push another, wait 2 more seconds. Rinse, repeat. Oh, and the insanely long boot time. Oh well. For the price (I got a great sale on it) it's the only
  3. Wait...so are you saying Pioneer is expecting us to shell out $79 for a firmware upgrade without posting a comprehensive changelog anywhere? Wow...no thanks. Tell me what I'm getting first, then I'll think about ordering it.
  4. Video quality or choppiness has far less to do with the media it's on and much more to do with the format/codec/bitrate. If you read the manual, it has specifications for optimal video format: 640x480 MP4 @ 24fps & 480kbps, and in my experience AAC audio has given the best results. Stereo, anywhere from ~60-90kbps sounds pretty good. And they'll play just fine off of any USB flash drive. I currently use a 16GB SDHC card and 1GB USB flash drive. As long as I keep folder count low (and avoid nested folders) the SD card doesn't take too long to mount.
  5. Parrot's not the only one to do this. It's called an array microphone, and they offer the most amazing noice cancellation anywhere, because they're able to target sounds and only pic up noises coming from directly in front of them. I've been trying to figure out how to set one up with my avic for awhile now, and now I don't have to! I want one of these! I've used this mic for the PC before, and it really does wonders.
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