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Everything posted by yonel

  1. great Mr D, it's from iphone ? or from app+ ? ( c'est de l'iphone Dejan ? )
  2. good idea, maybe you are already "updated" i don't know how the DA100 must be displayed...but compare to DA01...you see firmware version in general settings... you must compare in a commercial "center" where the unit is...sorry i can't help more, i think all you did is quite right :/
  3. 1st, is the firmware size "almost" the same as described in "readme" info file ( pdf ) sometimes some kilobites can miss... 2nd, the problem with ipod and speakers is probably due to the connector "bad" plugg...look when you move the connector in the ipod if it get's better... sometimes it happen the same to me due to my protecting plastic of the iphone...
  4. seems that if you are in last android system (ICS 4), it's not working...info from pioneer france, in facebook
  5. sorry xavier, i thought my answer would up your topic, expecting a real info...
  6. yes you're right zimmy...not easy....unless you make something that the ipad goes more "rear"/behind ...i mean, you present it behind the dashboard, maybe you can take some more space between wind projectors and warning buttons from the "inside", you know ? or simply make a kind of adapter that let the ipad mini , i don't know the right word in english, but little inclinate ( diagonal ) but still from the "inside" and not outside as you show it ( esay to write, but to do...i know less easy )
  7. just finish it like that , and take my respects
  8. maybe you're keyboard is more "beautifull" than the sph-da01...coming from DOS windows lol
  9. so have to try with jailbroken ipod and igo....je n'en suis pas là mais je garde ça dans les tuyaux...merci
  10. il faudrait voir comment igo reagit sur ipod touch4 avec le gps du sph-da100... ( must see how igo react in ipod touch on the gps of the sph....)
  11. Dejan, ok, mais par défaut, je lance déjà "appradio" sur ipod touch...et navfree me dit " pas de gps"....??? une astuce ? ( even if i launch appradio first, i don't remember it says gps "ok" with navfree, anyway i have to launch appradio app )
  12. sorry, i didn't have time to do the video... I thought it could work correct, but to be honnest, not so much. that depend how "important" it's for you... I don't know if it's due to an update, but navfree gps on ipod touch shows me on appradio "no gps signal" !!! it's completly crazy because we know the appradio gps antena is there...but don't work.... whereas if you use Waze gps, it works BUT .... if you begin your road trip from an available wifi internet ( in the idea of keeping the main datas in a kind of temporary memory in waze / ipod touch ) it can even sometimes show you wa
  13. Dejan, i forgot if the problem of wrong time displayed in appradi is fixed ? you know using native igo from sd card.... i remember you've done something, but been a long time i'm on normal use... ( i've sold my ipod touch 4 today....kolko kosta da kupim i4 jlbrk ? )
  14. same problem too actually...have to take control on iphone, but i remember something on waze fonction ... do you remember the message saying if you are driver or passenger...maybe it's due to that....( i don't believe, but it could be normal...)
  15. i think you have to launch first radio fonction... or you have to touch fast twice time the "home" button of appradio to have the audio player command on the left...when dashcommand or waze run in mainscreen
  16. dude, can you do that please, sorry to ask, but while you are doing great experiments , can you have a look about this ? it's free to try , it's called : http://airparrot.com/
  17. jel si vidi jugo"s kupi nesto normalno, loooooooooool
  18. of course , someone with only ten posts...give full infos...as usual...
  19. very cool experience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks a lot for your video !!!!
  20. one more info, fake or not... http://www.ceoutlook.com/2012/11/01/car-audio-to-finally-get-iphone-5-video-adapter/
  21. toka", be sure that if the info is important, it will be said in english, but for the moment, as you see, nothing special to tell more. with Dejan, we have translated some software language and so from sserhy with his great app "appradio plus" !! When we have info, be sure we share it. Mike de caro did something fantastic too !! but now, all is on the "pause"...due to the end of the world the 21th We gave idea to try to do something with apple tv or airplay system, Dudeman is on that try, and hope soon will show if it works, but his first try with hdmi connector, is not bad Don
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