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About lostissues

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  1. what I mean is is there any way to get the f500 to work without a radio in the car? I know I would have to buy the gateway amp but what I'm looking to find out is if you can hook up an amp (ch and sub amp maybe) to the gateway amp. I didn't see any RCA outputs on the gateway amp but I wasn't sure if people found another way to make the connection or If i just missed the obvious way of doing it. basicaly I would like to install the f500 without having to have a factory or aftermarked radio in the truck at all.
  2. Does the f500 need a radio either aftermarket or factory to work? I was thinking about putting one in my truck but I would like to use it without a radio. is there any way to hook it up to an amp with the pioneer amp? the only was I can think to make it work is to either use a line level adapter to get the signal to the amp or to have an amp with low level input. I would like to hide the additional amplifier and make a dock for the f500 so I can remove it when i leave. Thanks, Jonathan
  3. you can access the back up camera screen at any time cant you? i thought it was just an input selection. unless you are talking about the camera itself and you want that turned on all the time.
  4. I dont think they come with a trim piece, I think you can get that when you get the cage for the f-series
  5. I just find it strange that on their main site the price is +400 dollars more the their site via amazon if it is even their site. I guess I just don't understand where the discount is coming from.
  6. I think the 6ave linked from pioneers site is not the same as 6ave via amazon. here is the f90 on 6ave linked from pioneers site: http://www.6ave.com/shop/Product.aspx?sku=PIOAVICF90BT total cost is $998 The 6ave through amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001BJ6JQS/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ALAQLAKJ574UN&v=glance total cost is $571.44
  7. According to this http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/FindStore/Buy+Pioneer+Products+on+the+Internet, 6AVE is an authorized dealer. I think it's safe to buy from them. I got a F700BT from them 3 weeks ago for $395. Fast shipping. I got the unit with the updated firmware (2.0). Damn, I swear that I looked at that but I must have only looked at the ones that say car audio. I hate when you make a decision and think you got a steal of a deal and then you find that you would have been better off looking a little harder. I would have bumped up to the f90bt and had a DVD and 4 volt pre-ou
  8. are you sure that 6ave is an authorized dealer? I could not see them selling it for the price that they do and still be an authorized dealer. can anyone verify? I just bought my f700bt from onlinecarstereo.com for $410 and had I seen 6ave before I bought it i would have gotten the f90bt for $565 (that was the price at one point). but I guess thats just my luck. maybe if i can sell my f700 then I will buy the f90 sometime.
  9. I have an Audiovox camera on my car and it works fine. the only thing you want to do is make sure the camera itself mirrors the image. my is not mirrored so something on the right side of my screen is to the left of my car. this may just be something that bothers me but who knows. i have another camera from Audiovox (cmos1) that can do both mirrored and non mirrored and I have to install that. I have my camera wired up so that when the car is on the camera is on (attached to switched power) this way I can also select the rear view option and use it while I'm driving (may be helpful when towin
  10. That is a good point. I should probably just set "Home" as my home town to just get me to familiar territory or some place near home. thanks for the tip! Jonathan
  11. I just installed my f700 today and so far I'm liking it. i did the hardware bypass and it was a breeze with the help of this forum. one question i had was: is there any way to hear what the F series voice recognition thinks something sounds like? I have a few albums that have foreign titles and cannot get the unit to recognize what I'm saying. is there any way to have the unit say out loud what album or artist you are listening to so that i can mimic that when asking for it? oo and another one. is there any way to use where you are currently as your home address? when I type in my physical a
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