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About klanbo

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  1. No worries, when ever you get around to it. It's a Nissan 350z so has that sort of Orange/Yellow dash. Quite happy with the theme I have at the moment, which is Guga's with a few mods so it's quite neutral but think yours may give it that factory look. Look forward to your post....Thanks!! They broke into my car last night and stole my radio They really did a job on my dash. I didnt get to finish it the way I wanted to but if you want i can post it and maybe you'll like it. I wont be getting a new radio anytime soon. Sorry to hear that dude.....evil f*ckers!!! Don't worry
  2. No worries, when ever you get around to it. It's a Nissan 350z so has that sort of Orange/Yellow dash. Quite happy with the theme I have at the moment, which is Guga's with a few mods so it's quite neutral but think yours may give it that factory look. Look forward to your post....Thanks!!
  3. Hi Fen911, I wouldn't mind this theme when you're done with it. I'm using Guga's Version 1 theme at the mo and just seen there is a 2nd version so I'll be trying that later, but as my dash is Orange I wouldn't mind seeing how yours looks....if you don't mind sharing of course? Looks awesome in the pics!! Cheers Ben
  4. Thanks for your answers Matt/IDT. I've stopped being dense now and worked out what I needed to do. I've created my own custom boxes and icons too so it sort of matches my car. Went for a greyish silver look instead of the orange but I'm pleased with it now....almost! Added a nav settings and day/night button too when no route is active. I do have 3 more issues, would be great if you could help....will go for A B C style questions this time A. The '2D/3D' icon and the 'info' icons always fade after several seconds to a more translucent state, where as all the other icons don't. At f
  5. Hi Matt, just wanted to say I really like your mod. I've tried the rest but IMO yours has the best balance of looks and functionality. I do like some of the options available in IDT's and CMH928's setup, like the enhanced simulation mode, the 'Nav Options' button and the 'day/night' button but not too keen on the buttons being along the top, much prefer your layout. I wouldn't even consider putting it back to standard now, especially with no bloody nav mute button!!! Anyway, I was just looking to make some changes to the box colours as Blue doesn't really go with my Nissan's Orang
  6. I believe all the F series US models have voice control. The F700 comes in UK and US spec, as does the F500 and the F900. The US get a Premier model too, the F90. Anyway, yes I have tried putting the US software on the UK model, still no voice control with both US maps and UK maps, no joy though. As much as I'd love this to work I don't really have the time to spend on it, but more importantly I don't have the expertise!! I was hoping that a "soft" button could be placed on the screen to activate the voice rec software, but from what I've read it's harder than it sounds. The prob
  7. I'd be interested in this too, my nav volume isn't loud enough at speed.
  8. I'd be interested in this too, my nav volume isn't loud enough at speed.
  9. Hi Bego, you're not alone, I did the exact same thing. Was sold by the Voce rec and was gutted when I realised we didn't get it in the UK. I'm guessing the reason they left it out has something to do with the fact that Voice recognition doesn't work as well for us in the UK as our accents vary massively. Either that or the developers can't be bothered to develop it for such a small market (compared to the US at least). Same thing with iPhone voice apps, it's all geared towards the US market. In the UK we probably have 10 million people with close to "standard english" (so news reade
  10. Oh also ritu_o0o, thanks for letting me know about Gimp, managed to get hold of Photoshop though. I think creating the image and saving it in the correct format is the hardest bit, getting it onto the Avic is easy. The image needs to be saved in a bitmap format but it has to have the alpha channel as described on the first page. Without this the system will just keep crashing, I tried it. I think I may have done something different to skicrave as on the alpha channel I created, it's the background that has the colour '#cacaca', not the car! But it seems to work so must be ok.
  11. Just been out to take a quick snap shot, too cold to hang around outside though. Blanked out the name of my street....not that I'm paranoid or anything Here it is, bit blurry but best I can do at the mo: 350zIconsV2.zip[/attachment] Yes, I know I'm a saddo
  12. Ok, I've figured it out now...well...I read the original post properly. Got Adobe Photoshop installed and done it properly, 350z images atttached. [attachment=0]350z Icons.zip[/attachment]
  13. Hmm, not as easy as I thought. I think I need a proper image editor. Can anyone recommend a good free one?
  14. I have a fix for this, or more of a workaround. There are 4 sys.txt template files in the root of the iGo folder: sys_746EW.txt (Europe Version) sys_746UC.txt (US Version) sys_749W.txt (Europe Version) sys_749C.txt (US Version) I think the difference between 746 and 749 is 746 is for the F700/F900 models and 749 is for the F500 model. Anyway, I have the F900BT (Europe Version). I've found that my bluetooth will only work if the unit has a US sys.txt file in the iGo folder. The problem is if you put a US version in there and boot up on a EU unit, it takes the appropriate EU te
  15. I've just made this image for my 350z! Just rezize to h 85 x W 82 and save as a .bmp All done with MS Paint and MS Picture manager, not the best tools but good enough. EDIT: The above apps aren't actually good enough, ok for creating the image but not for getting into the correct format! [attachment=1]350z_JPEG.jpg[/attachment] Made it up from this in case anyone fancies a silver one... [attachment=0]top 350z.jpg[/attachment]
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