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Everything posted by Jfinley0

  1. Boris: Another question for you. How do I change the light blue box at bottom (actual street) of navi screen to a different color? I was thinking a dark blue like it is at the top of screen during navigation. Also my Highway signs are blue instead of green. How do I change that? Thanks Boris. You are the best!
  2. If it works it works... But it is known to create problems... Hi Boris: How can I set it up to have actual next coming road or city to go across top of map on the nav screen? Right now I get the current road on bottom and nothing on top when I am cruising. In route, I get the city that I am turning on route and current street on bottom. I am using your 3.0 data. Thanks Jimo
  3. That was on v2.0, but I'm in the process of tweaking Stanislavovich' v3.0 mod: as soon as I have it sorted I'll get back on this thread Thanks. I can't wait to get it!
  4. The code that I have added to navigatemap_800_480.ui is below, and thanks for the suggestion re the bmp file. ; the Bluetooth Button indicates Bluetooth Connected in bottom left corner, push to dial home - Added by mr_cs based on suggestion by ill.die.trying ; remember to add bmp file I agree about trying to access the phone book. I have asked on the forum about this but the silent response suggests that nobody has the answer. It was the reason that I added the phone POI button, as when I was late for an appointment it was such a fiddle finding the client's phone number! (I have my
  5. Attached. Hard to say without knowing what exactly you did with it. I would try deleting everything form UserData's iGO save directory. Then reload APL2 from the X-series update that is floating around here... Thanks Boris; I have everything up and running! Jimbo
  6. Hi Everyone: I have an error message that say: "Out of Memory" with error code 99902 when I tried to use EZrider. Right now my system ia hanging at Startup. I reinstalled firmware 3.01 and it did not work. RIght now I deleted my IGO folder and will try to install firmware 3.01. Does anyone have any ideas how to get my systyem up an running? I have AVic fb09t model. Any help eould be appreciated. Thnaks Jimbo
  7. you have to put digital.ttf font into APL2/iGo folder Can you send me digital.ttf file? I don't have this font. Thanks Jimbo Boris: After screwing around, my avic fb90t when haywired. The error message I get says" Out of Memory" with error code 99902. I reinstalled firmwire upgrade 3.01 and the same message comes up when I try to use Ezrider.. Right now it just hangs at Startup./ Any ideas? Jimbo
  8. you have to put digital.ttf font into APL2/iGo folder Can you send me digital.ttf file? I don't have this font. Thanks Jimbo
  9. Update for Firmware 3.x/iGO 8.3 by andr2000 13. Map autotilt when road shields appear 14. Next Road name not covered by shields 15. Fixed autotilt adjustments 16. Added new features from Stanislavovich's latest version 17. Lane arrows can be displayed together with shields. Same link: http://www.4shared.com/file/129128249/7 ... /data.html Hi Boris: I love the new mod. One problem that comes up is when I hit the speed number while in route, the system reboots. If I don't hit the speed, it works fine. Is there something I am ddoing wrong? Thanks Jimbo
  10. +1. Boris, can u tell us how to add the default road signs from 3.0 back please? Other than that this mod is very nice. One other request: Have street labels in 3d. It shows on 2d. Thanks Jimbo
  11. Make sure you have following setting in the sys.txt file: [rawdisplay] screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" highres=0 dpi=250 I added that in before you responded. It is up and running. Thanks for the help. It looks very cool! I learned a few more things like run ezrider in test mode etc. Thanks for all your help! Jimbo With this setting it should looking for bmp files from ui_igo8\800_480.
  12. Put your original license (the one from your backup) and the generic world license and try again. BTW, which map are you using, TA 2009.02 or NT 2009Q1? Not sure of the maps. I copied the original license and got the error message. It is: Failed to open file ui_igo8\960_540 loading bmp. I appreciate you helping me out. Jimbo
  13. Before you give up, I suggest you to try launching the ezrider.exe (must be the Hacked Vesion) from TestMode, make sure you have both your original license file and the world generic license file. The gurjon mod basically turned the ezrider.exe acting more like the standard Igo, if you had cleaned up your userdata, the first time you have to lanch it thru TestMode, because, Standard Igo needs a few User Setting to be done on the first time usage. However the Pioneer Shell prevent you from doing that. After you setup your language, voice etc. by running it thru TestMode, reboot, then it sho
  14. Try your original ezrider.exe file. I suspect the one in the gurjon package is the hacked version. I think there are issues with the hacked version and some Avics (from reading the hacked 3.0 thread). I had to add this to the sys.txt of the latest gurjon release to get the disply to show correctly. It was only showing the upper left hand corner of the screen until I added this. add to sys.txt if you have display problems. [rawdisplay] screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" highres=0 dpi=250 I am trying it on the emulator. The error I am getting is "Failed to open ui_
  15. Try your original ezrider.exe file. I suspect the one in the gurjon package is the hacked version. I think there are issues with the hacked version and some Avics (from reading the hacked 3.0 thread). I had to add this to the sys.txt of the latest gurjon release to get the disply to show correctly. It was only showing the upper left hand corner of the screen until I added this. add to sys.txt if you have display problems. [rawdisplay] screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" highres=0 dpi=250 I am trying it on the emulator. The error I am getting is "Failed to open ui_
  16. I am un able to down load. Can you check it again? Thanks Jimbo
  17. Have you tried it with the gurjon sys.txt and your own ezrider.exe? yes.... Do I need to load the maps, poi and buildings or are they already on the data file? J
  18. Try your original ezrider.exe file. I suspect the one in the gurjon package is the hacked version. I think there are issues with the hacked version and some Avics (from reading the hacked 3.0 thread). I had to add this to the sys.txt of the latest gurjon release to get the disply to show correctly. It was only showing the upper left hand corner of the screen until I added this. add to sys.txt if you have display problems. [rawdisplay] screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" highres=0 dpi=250 I tried everything including deleting everything in the APL folder. I reinsta
  19. I did. It works but is also had text on bottom screen hidden behind road name.. I would like it to be on all the time instead of hitting the buttons. Can you make it permanent? Thanks J
  20. I would like to add the house numbers to my map. I tried to copy from Boris's data (Updated 8-8-09) including some of the scrips. I had no luck. Can anyone help on this? I have 3.01 update. I would like the house numbers to be permanent when I have the map on. Thanks Jimbo
  21. Use this download. DATA.zip had a problem when being compressed but all is working now. I am still having problems loading this. I have the same problem as above. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ojunnzlmz ... mbined.rar
  22. Sorry, didn't quite catch that. Do you mean that you can still see the image from the camera or the "CAUTION: IMAGE MAY APPEAR REVERSED" text at the top of the screen? You'll currently still get the text during boot up. It seems the text is also in another file which is active while the unit is starting up. //Tomi B. Thanks. It does go away after it is done booting. Great Job!
  23. I tried it and the reverse image still comes on. Did I miss something? The image is not as dark as before.
  24. Would it work putting on top middle? Jfinley0
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