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Everything posted by abergdc

  1. That's a bummer about the limited AV voice commands. When I tried out the Acura I thought it was really cool that you could say "XM Channel 112" and it would switch to that channel (whether it was a preset or not). Neither the Pioneer Z1 nor the expensive Alpine Nav unit seem to have that capability. I wonder if they will add any voice commands in the Z2. It seems like that would be only software dependent.
  2. abergdc

    Z2 Announced

    Great report, Bones. What about expected travel times? I suppose that should get better wit the better routing and addresses, but I wonder if you discussed it with them.
  3. There are many threads on this complicated topic in various places. The complications have to do with the system whereby information is transferred from the controls to the radio, and back out to the MFD on the Audi, as far as i can tell. Herer is a good thread, with a video! http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2907856
  4. I looked at a 2006 Acura TSX for a while and loved the OEM nav. What are the pros and cons compared to the Z1, for those who have used both? I know this is a bit of a silly question, because if I bought the Acura I would certainly get the OEM for the ideal system integation, and if I got a VW Jetta GLI (which I did) I can't get the Acura OEM, but I'm still very curious. Thanks, Andy
  5. I don't have the unit (yet?). I can see my wife being very irritated if we have to wait for half a minute when we start the car. I assume that if we just start moving right away, then we can eventually "accept" the usage warning and begin navigation when the unit is ready to go, right? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I saw some very big complaints about start-up time in various places and for me this would not be an issue if the above is true, as I almost always know the basic direction to begin moving. Thanks, Andy
  6. Thread, I don't quite understand the can-bus adapter issues. Is there something called the Dietz adapter that is available now? (I googled it and there does seem to be something along those lines, but I don't read German). I also heard that the Euro can bus is different so it doesn't quite work (maybe from you on another forum). [Edited] Is the one enfig is working on different from the one that is "coming soon" from peripheral electronics? Will these things allow the button to work that changes the mode of the MFD (the display between the tach and speedometer) (e.g. from a
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