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Everything posted by midlifez

  1. how is it connected? i.e. regular ipod cable or one with the RCA connections and USB ? Have to have one with the RCA's and connect them to AV1 connections out the back of the unit
  2. Mode A is 3D. Pressing the button that says '2D" switches you to 2D mode. Pressing the button that says "3D" takes you back to 3D mode. DOH! Thanks... Now if I could only get the mode I prefer to display the arrow I want it to...
  3. Unable to get screen shots... let me try again... Mode A - When in the display mode where you have the ability to change the angle of the map there is an icon which says "2D". When driving the arrow always points forward with the nose of the vehicle as you drive, regardless of what direction (*East, North, South, West) you are driving. In this mode the arrow I put in the data.zip file DOES NOT show, i.e. uses original Pioneer arrow Mode B - When in the display mode where you DO NOT have the ability to change the angle of the map there is an icon which says "3D". When driving the arro
  4. you got it working on 3d and not in 2d? or what you're referring to as 3d is the actual 2d? anyways, glad you got it working YES, got it working in 3D (THREE D) not 2D (TWO D). Weird I know... Tap the icon on my nav screen when it says "3D" and it changes to the mode (saying all this to make sure I am not crazy!) where the arrow is relative to North on the compass not where the nose of the car is going. When I tap the icon when in this mode that has the text "2D" the display changes to the display where the arrow is pointed ahead toward the nose of the vehicle regardless of where you are
  5. OK, finally got it to work in 3D mode. Figured out that the BMP has to be 32 bit and 85*85 pixels. Now if I can only follow the instructions to get it to work in 2D mode......
  6. I cannot figure out why mine wont display the daycar.bmp or nightcar.bmp I inserted in them. They are in the right folder, etc. Mind letting me take a look at your data.zip file to compare? I have also attached the BMP files, would be INCREDIBLE if anyone could see if there is a problem with or point me in the right direction.. daycar-nightcar.zip
  7. anyone had success changing the arrows on F700BT model OR after updating to 2.006? If so please reply with how you did it... See my posts above. Thanks!
  8. I got this from the article I posted in the wiki: "...open \ui_pioneer\800_480\ui\navigatemap_800_480.ui file that is inside the APL2\iGo\DATA.zip file" ...It's been a while since I got into mine, but the above should be correct. I found it, thanks!
  9. I followed the steps here with my F7010BT (same as F700BT), using the arrow in the post: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=17490&start=30#p116640 Copied to Data\ui_pioneer\common inside my data.zip file as there is not a folder in my Data.zip file called "DATA/pioneer_ui/common/" I renamed the images as instructed: daycar.bmp nightcar.bmp Confirmed they are in the Data.zip file and it is compressed. everything works perfectly except the arrow is not changed.... Any hints on what I am doing wrong?
  10. I cannot locate a file named "navigatemap_800_480.ui " in the Data.zip file of my F700BT, OS 2.006. Where is it located?
  11. Would someone mind posting a link to the latest and greatest version download? Only see the download link on the first page of this thread though other posts refer to updates.. Thanks!
  12. Quick q... When saving the files I might edit in Paint or GIMP, what resolution should I choose? 16 bit, 24 or 32? Thanks
  13. DUDE! YOU ROCK! Please let me know your paypal address, I certainly never expected you to do this for free!
  14. Favor... would like the Navigation icon to have my car incorporated, tried PS'ing it but it came out looking as bad as my PS skills are... Put car below on the image: Issue is the image is tilted a bit, not sure how that would look... Maybe this one would work better, I actually like it better anyway... THANKS! While I am at it, anyone have the "Contacts" and "AV" icons with an iPhone? Also, what is the image file name that in the "generic" version of the GUGA files has the "Pioneer" logo at the bottom middle between "Phone" and "Settings"? Want to chang
  15. Bump.. anyone able to do the PS below for me? Can pay you for your trouble if need be! Also, found an Audi logo for the middle section at If so just let me know your paypal address! THANKS!
  16. well, all WAS good.. Red install went well, then installed GTIMatt's Mods (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=23003) and my AVIC reverted back to the prior install I had done of GUGA's theme. So, reinstalled GTIMatt's. Nav theme is back but no red. Solution? AFAIK you have to change a couple of bmp's inside the data.zip OK, anyone know which ones in my current data.zip I should replace with ones from the Red theme?
  17. well, all WAS good.. Red install went well, then installed GTIMatt's Mods (http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=23003) and my AVIC reverted back to the prior install I had done of GUGA's theme. So, reinstalled GTIMatt's. Nav theme is back but no red. Solution?
  18. It is July, I see the new maps are available from Pioneer for $120, does the SD card include firmware 3.0? Worth the $$?
  19. Favor... would like the Navigation icon to have my car incorporated, tried PS'ing it but it came out looking as bad as my PS skills are... Issue is the image is tilted a bit, not sure how that would look... Maybe this one would work better, I actually like it better anyway... THANKS! While I am at it, anyone have the "Contacts" and "AV" icons with an iPhone? Also, what is the image file name that in the "generic" version of the GUGA files has the "Pioneer" logo at the bottom middle between "Phone" and "Settings"? Want to change it so it says either "Audi" or h
  20. Another user was kind enough to provide a download to the files for me. All is good!
  21. Confuseed... what do the blog URL's you posted have to do with it? Do you have a download link?
  22. What screen do you mean exactly: navigation (with left box) or map for planning (with right buttons)? I will think. Press "Map", no route currently being navigated added: I have an idea. Sometimes it was really I would like also to cancel the route and it is not so easy: map-route-delete-ok-nav... a lot of movements. so my idea is to add a button to detour screen, if i need to cancel the route i have to push: maneuver-cancel, that is all. I'll do that. YES! That would be EXCELLENT! color... like taste never find 2 like the same I could suggest painting your and put it in ui_
  23. Looks like his files have been taken down. You will have to ask him if he still has them somewhere. Anyone mind uploading their copy for download somewhere? THANKS!
  24. Looks like multiple links for download, which is the latest and greatest? please post link for download, thanks!
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