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Everything posted by ungaro

  1. Good for you : ) I gave up modifying data.zip.I lost 3 days in a roll playing and trying. I guess that new features that are implemented in the new wince version are in use with the new ezrider. There is no other explanation for me.
  2. I replaced all the files manually where ui_igo8 is mentioned with ui_pioneer as well in the sys.txt. The way I did it is to extract both data.zip's in different folders and using winmerge compare and merge folders.The newborn folder containing files from both worlds was created as new data.zip. Meanwhile searched for ui_igo8 and ui_pioneer inside ui and ini files and replace them respectively I tried both ways merging in ui_pioneer and merging in ui_igo8 . There are files that are on both sides and I don't remember exactly which way was better. I even tried having ui_pioneer and ui_igo to
  3. Thanks yeek! the license was the problem.I was using other license and never thought to use the original one. Now is working the same way as yours. I made some tests today.Tested with different version's licenses and ezrider's and different versions maps, but no success. However, I still believe that customized data.zip and regular igo8 (ezrider) will do the work. I made hybrid data.zip that runs with generic igo8, but than pioneer shell is having problem to start. It starts, but " System is starting up" message never go's away. I found out that if the igo crashes without any
  4. I fully agree with you. This is just the next step and I have some ideas and I am ready to spend more time to try from this stage. I am really surprised that in one unit this is working and on another - not.
  5. If I understood right, yeek's map button ( and menu button) is working just fine, the problem is that the map screen is not showing map street names and map details because the license is not matching. Simply his igo doesn't recognizes the maps that he has, due to license restrictions. If you try to browse Europe for example, with your current version, you will get the same black screen instead of map details and street names. You will get the same results, if you don't have map or you have a map, but your license doesn't permit those maps. So his pioneer shell and igo are working, the probl
  6. Yeek, thank you very much for the detailed instructions, but unfortunately this thing doesn't work for me. I did a lot of tests today, but none of them were successful. Formated the myflashdisk, updated wince image both, service menu and SD card. My winceimage is 6.0.5 . Copy Apl2 from SD card .. didnt work. Then I copy directly from my computer to the myflashdisk via usb cable ... didn't work. I am using this torrent http://itchybot.com/x910bt.zip.torrent. Let me know if you are using something else. I try with this one as well http://ds1.downloadtech.net/cn1010/firm ... Update.zip , bu
  7. I am getting "System Starting up in Progress" and last forever with APL2 from the torrent. Wandering what is the difference. SYS.txt is just the right one ([device] type="PIONEER749UC") , very strange. I made another test, entered testmode and run ezrider from the flashdisk to see what is causing the problem, usually there is crash.txt inside igo folder, but ezrider is closing immediately and there is no crash.txt created. Anyone ideas ?
  8. I also replaced the whole APL2 folder and the system is getting stuck on the startup ( win ce 2.00600) Try to replace ezrider and license from generic igo8.3 ( need to rename igo8 to ezrider) and I think you should be able to see the maps.
  9. I have LeetLauncher running nice from my SD card, but I wanted to have igo 8.3 running from my flash drive together with the pioneer shell. I like the voice control, which doesn't work together with LeetLauncher. Also zoom- in and out with hardware keys is pretty good feature.
  10. I am trying all day long, but so far no success. What I did is to merge data.zip from generc 8.3 and data.zip from the update .It is all about skin configuration in data.zip\ui_pioneer\ui in my opinion. I managed to make it start from the flash disk, but is somehow crappy as you can see on the attachment and pioneer shell is getting stuck
  11. Password for the service menu is: MAP / MAP / MENU / ENTER / MENU / ENTER (ENTER - center of joystick) Check this topic viewtopic.php?t=25838
  12. As far as I know, Amigo doesn't support native 800x480 yet. However, if you want to have it running, there is another way to stretch 400x240 skin. To do so, add those lines in sys.txt: [interface] resolution_dir="400_240" vga=1 [rawdisplay] class="landscape" screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" high_res=1 The quality is not good, but works really fast : )
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