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About Avar

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  1. Ah, I hate that, not changing anything but the results Good luck!
  2. Hi Brandon, Since I am the owner of a F900BT which already contains version 3 I can't tell you exactly what to do, but I think you are right. One comment though, if you simply rename the APL folder to something like APL.OLD there is no need to delete it, you can just copy the new APL on the flash drive then, I think there is enough space. Paul
  3. I uploaded Lang_English_uk and Lang_English_aus for you, sorry but I don't have an US version: http://rapidshare.com/files/255049136/Lang_English.zip Paul
  4. For those in doubt that they have or need the European WINCE update, I uploaded my 3.0 image: http://rapidshare.com/files/255045020/WINCEIMG.zip Paul
  5. Sure, but there's not much in there so I hope you find what you are looking for: http://rapidshare.com/files/255043008/DATA.zip Paul
  6. Because it identifies me, and I don't want half of Europe driving around with my license file. Are you willing to share your [windows/office/whatever] key on a public site? Paul
  7. I know, that is why I uploaded the APL folder... Paul
  8. I don't think you can use the maps without the license files, and you can't use IGo 8.3 without the maps, so what is the point of uploading them? I don't think you can even use the APL or APL2 without the WinCe update. I can upload the WINCEIMG no problem, and If anyone can prove me wrong about IGo 8.3 I can upload that too, but without the license files and maybe just one or 2 maps, the thing is about 1.5G Sorry, but I'd like to keep the license files for myself, I hope you can understand that! Paul
  9. (About uploading the complete flash contents) The IGO 8.3 and the maps are available elsewhere, and I don't think you can do anything with them without my licence files anyway, which I obviously am not going to upload. The WINCE Update is also available elsewhere (check the link I posted earlier). So what are you missing? Paul
  10. Here it is again, this time on a Collectors account which should enable unlimited downloads(?) http://rapidshare.com/files/254292215/APL3000300EW.zip Graag gedaan Paul
  11. Well, I'm not going to upload my license files, and without the license files there's not much use for the maps, and without the maps there's not much use for IGO 8.3. And to be able to use the APL 3.0 you have to update your WINCE I think, check this: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=25487 Verder is het 1,56GB en dat lijkt me ook een beetje veel Paul
  12. Well... What should I upload? I guess I should leave the maps and licence files (APL2\iGo\CONTENT\MAP and \APL2\iGo\LICENSE) out, but it's still a big upload. So, any suggestions? Paul [Edit] The APL folder is on rapidshare now: http://rapidshare.com/files/254265966/A ... W.zip.html
  13. Yes! I had to test it at home (no SD card writer in the office) and it worked! So now I have a complete copy of the flash disk on my pc. Some points of interest: ---------------------- [2008 Navigation Application Release Record] Product : AVIC-F500BT/F700BT/F900BT 20090511 11:34 Release File : APL Release Version : 3.000300 20090511 ---------------------- [2009 Navigation Data Release Record] Product : AVIC-F500BT/AVIC-F700BT/AVIC-F900BT 20090420 10:00 Release File : DATA Release Version : 2.000100 20090420 ---------------------- [2009 Navigation Platform Releas
  14. It sure is a F900BT, that's the funny part of the story Paul
  15. Hi, Let me introduce myself first: My name is Paul and I live in the Netherlands. I have been playing with hard- and software since pre-personal computer times and still having fun with it. Anyway, since a week I have a F900BT which Pioneer installed as a swap for a HD3BT which was faulty. The funny thing is that it has software version 3.000300 on it, while i've not been able to find anything higher than 2.007000 on Pioneers website. Unfortunately I've not been able to get the thing in testmode, I guess they must have changed enough to prevent that using the SD card trick. The go
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