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Everything posted by EdgeWyse

  1. Question, is anyone aware if the hacks used by the other AVIC f-series uses the same hacks software that the other units do? Mainly is this unit windows CE baised and is anyone aware if they have a 'testmode' as I've been unable to sucesfully boot to testmode.
  2. Yes, you can read the manual and install the AVIC Feeds software to create POI's or download KML files from your favorite POI website. Place the KML files on a SD card in the directory \NDB\CUSTOMPOI Once you've done this you should then see the custom POI's under Avic Feeds. In general, if you are posting a question you should start a new thread, if anyone has any help for my origional question please let me know.
  3. I've loaded several groups of the POI's using the poi files on the SD card, they appear correctly on Avic Feeds and while driving I can see them on my map. I have so far loaded bank, tim hortons and gas station poi's. When looking at built in POI's you select 'Near Me' or 'Near Destination' then select yourcatagory, to help you plan a route. When the custom POI's are loaded they appear under 'Avic Feeds' and you see the catagories of the POI's you've loaded. However there is no way to tell it to show you only the custom POI's near you or your destination. Is there a way to custo
  4. The parking break in a car connects to the ground, this is how it completes the circuit. To bypass the parking break sensor just ground the parking break wire to the body. Don't buy a bypass kit, don't wase your time with complicated wiring just ground it. This is what i did for mine, and it works just fine.
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