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About stroker87

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  1. I was on my way home from the bears/packers game last night (to chicago area) leaving the game the nav was telling to to take back roads then I switched it to fast and it keept telling me to turn around and go back to the stadium every time I passed an off ramp?? I deleted the route and keept tring to reprogram didnt help after about 5mins I just shut it off about 50 miles down the road I turned it on and ever thing was ok??? is this a bug? F700ft/3.1 update
  2. you can use your GPS Antenna if you remove the plastic housing from the end, bin using mine now for a few weeks no issues, if you hook up a backup camera your not gonna like it the D1/BC2 set up showed much nicer then my f700tb/BC2
  3. I finaly got it! My f700bt is now 3.0 updated and working better then ever! I used 1 2gb SD card A couple of things I didnt under stand: 1st. you need to load the card with the "testmode" folder inside the testmode 2.3 folder 2nd. you need to open the x910 folder till you get to "My Flash Disk" open it then "copy" all and paste in my flash disk using one card to do it all I guess confused me i'm not as savy as a bunch of you guys but I still done it two the Link: "http://itchybot.com/x910bt.zip.torrent" was 1/2 my problem is bogas does not work any how with all the
  4. I've read a few of these post and "tried" to update my f700bt when i got to the 2nd step it never asked me to override the files it just started to update then when it was done I could not restart???? I hit the reset button and how after the spash screen it just go's dead Please help!
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