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About th3-sh4rk

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  1. Can someone help me...???
  2. Somebody would know to build the file ".Mdl" , not the file ".Bmb" of the Opel Corsa, so that it can replace the arrow in 3D mode during navigation? Thank's to all!
  3. I tried but not working , another solution?
  4. Hello, I want to know how can I do to have only the drawn arrow on the street like in the picture (green arrow), which file should I change?How? Thank's!
  5. Hello, I want to know how can I do to have only the arrow drawn on the street like in the picture "avic1.jpg" (green arrow) on Page 1, because I would not apply the mod completely, which file should I change?How? Thank's!
  6. Hello guys, I have a little problem, when I make a "zoom-in" on the map after a while the Navigator automatically makes a "zoom-out" , and I again I have to do manually "zoom-in" . Is it possible to avoid the intervention of the navigator on the zoom? How?
  7. Hi, i'm an italian f900bt user; i've a question: it's possible to substituting completly the pioneer NavGate navigation software whit igo8? I've substituted my igo in APL2 folder whit igo8 (and i've renamed it "igo"), when i restart my f900bt unit and touch "destination", igo8 software starts corretly but there is a permanently message about like this:" System startup in progress, pleas wait"...Maybe i've committed some error in substituting...Can anyone help me?? Thank's!
  8. Hi, it's possible to make Oepl Corsa Model and Text file car? Thank's..!
  9. Hey diaftia, If i want to show sky in the 3D map mode, How have to edit out the semicolons in the [map] section ? Can you post me the correct [map] section ? Thank's a lot!
  10. Thank's Fourg! I puted those keys files inside the leetlauncher folder and now it runs at startup. Unfortunately, i don't like leetlauncher because I can not listen to the radio nor the mp3 files from SD card or USB, we expect the new version:). However thank's..!
  11. Hey, I've changed thats files in testmode, now testmode start automatically but leetlauncher no..! i don't know what is my porblem, for information, i've an italian (europe) f900bt, maybe some files is not correct for my device...However i have no error, now simply when i reboot my device, testmode starts..(windows ce)..
  12. No, in leetlauncher folder there is : -leetlauncher.exe -apps -config ecc... I don't know why it don't start automatically, however i've another question, what is the role of testmode folder ? When I reboot my unit does not start neither testmode nor leetlauncher, if instead, i replace the folder testmode with another testmode (the testmode 2.3 of this site), then windows ce starts..
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