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About Clipzin33

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  1. You Get what you pay for..... Do this as well as it will rule out other issues.
  2. DJ for you being an installer, you should realize the easiest and cleanest way to bypass would be buying a automotive relay and one hooks to the power to the unit and one goes to a ground. When the unit turns on it energizes the relay switchign it to ground, thus fakign it into a parking break on state.
  3. Wrong, you have the relay wired to the remote startup lead hence switching the relay on and making the HU thinking the Ebrake is up.
  4. I know this isn't right place but you guys seem to look over stuff.
  5. Do you guys happen to know what sizing I need on an AVHP 4100 dvd...........I haven't found a resolution that will fill up the screen. Saw somethign on here, but the parameters left a gap on my touch screen.
  6. I think they must have updated the firmware, because when I bought my avh-p4100dvd about two to three months ago, its in regular 12 hour time format.
  7. Guys.....none of you have a avh-p4100 and have put a background on it????????????
  8. Really....................so noone here knows the correct size to use for a avh-p4100dvd????????????????????????????????????????????????
  9. Hey I'd really like a bacground as well. I drive a mitsu eclipse and soemthing with that would be cool, or maybe even just a pioneer background. I'm having a problem finding out what size the background shoud be as someone else tried and it didn't take up the whole screen on the top and bottom.
  10. Are you guys still doing backgrounds because I need one for my avh-p4100dvd?
  11. Bump, come on guys no one knows the correct dimensions on a avh-p4100dvd
  12. So I tried having someone do me a background on the avh-p 4100dvd I have installed. It didn't fill out the whole screen and I'm wondering if any of you have found the correct size for our screen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I have it so I canplay music videos, I just don't know how to size an image for it.
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