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Everything posted by Chuck88

  1. Good to know. For the elevation fix, you have to go to diaftia's thread and download the correct EzRider.exe.
  2. Nico, tu as fait cela? Suggestion PAS DE UI_PIONEER sous APL2\iGo, si cela ne marche toujours pas, dis-moi quelle version tu as, regarder sous l'écran ScreenOFF.
  3. Pas sûr que je veux avoir ça dans mon GPS!!! Je crois plus mes yeux que la caméra, fonction inutile et redondante!
  4. v3.1 has all the fixes except the Elevation fix, which is from the EzRider.exe. Once it is working with your setup, just replace the EzRider.exe to have the Elevation fix. Don't forget to update the DATA.zip with the one from v3.1, because the one included in the Emulator is v3.0.
  5. I suggest to load my WinCE 5.0 Emulator in your PC, in which my mod v3.0 was included, as well as EzRider.exe and appropiate license files (read the simple instructions in that thread), just add one of your maps to the Emulator. If my v3.0 works in your PC, just take everything under APL2\iGo and copy them to your AVIC, that should work well. From there, replace v3.0 by v3.1. WinCE 5.0 Emulator Good lucks!
  6. Nico, Pour le pourcentage, tu dois sélectionner la première option à ICONS. Pour les panneaux en vert, c'est tout ce que tu as à faire comme décrit, je ne vois pas autre chose qu'on restarting de ton AVIC après avoir sélectionné US. P.S.: Pas de dossier ui_pioneer dans APL2\iGo, et non pas dans APL2. Ciao!
  7. This is the making of my own, just add your name and welcome message on the bottom and enjoy!
  8. Félicitation JL, est-ce un travail en argot???
  9. Hummm, my mod shouldn't have anything to do with the map versions. Is it however possible that you don't have the valid license or the EZRider.exe. I would have to check ... in the meantime please try other combinasons if you could.
  10. Hey ovalball, you must be kidding . I just hope that one day diaftia and abb1 will return for the sake of this forum, but if they don't, I guess that is OK and I can certainly understand that, they've done their part to this forum, and largely. With this being said, and unfortunately, I am also counting my days in this forum too. You know I am very very proud of my achievement on the creation of Chuck88's SmartTrack feature of my own, and I like it so much that I no longer use the original iGo SmartZoom, especially in 2D driving/navigating (the transition will be smoothing on the
  11. Le fuelcalc est un addon, dont il s'affiche seulement sur demande. Merci pour tes mots, mais "taf" veut dire quoi?
  12. Tu n'as que ne pas sélectionner un 3DCar. Si tu as déjà sélectionné et que tu veux retourner à la flèche, tu n'as qu'à ouvrir le 3DCars Addon, et cliquer sur "Init" et/ou "Default" ... je n'as jamais essayé.
  13. As-tu déjà essayé sur ton AVIC ou tu cherchais un cobaye? As-tu essayé de le faire rouler sur mon Emulator pour WinCE 5.0? Si tu veux me donner le lien, je pourrais l'essayer. Merci.
  14. The Navi_Settings problem has been fixed and will be post in the upcoming update. You can still access it with v3.1 by using on map screen icon. The RAM disk is not working in my Emulator, and I didn't venture into my AVIC. Anybody has tried running the ramdisk_ppc.exe under AVIC to create a RAM disk?
  15. In fact, it will take you back to the last STATE screen of the iGo navigation software, the one before you swithch to the MAIN MENU. I will check that. Thanks. For the RAMDISK, I will read that too.
  16. I can't check that in the emulator, so I will check with my AVIC later on. When you press the "Navi Settings" button, the built-in script of AVIC, not under my control, is calling an iGo script for that matter, so I don't know what was called. Any error message? Anybody else can confirm this problem?
  17. Ahhh, utilise mon email csw2680Ã mail.com!
  18. Yeah, I think I know what it is ... it is a left-over from a previous build v2.8x, and you've unknowingly put the file under it (laneinfo_xxxx.yyy), which was a patch for the european users. Please delete the folder named "ui_pioneer" under "\My Flash Disk\APL2\iGo", and bingo!
  19. Tu veux dire tes outils pour produire les images que tu n'as plus acces?
  20. Did you change the Regional Settings->Map Preference back to "US"? US is green frame and UK is blue frame. On my first post of this thread, you can see in the middle of the bunch of images, one of them are showing two highway signs in GREEN. Let me know.
  21. The configuration folder is \My Flash Disk\User\UserData\iGo, so go to \My Flash Disk\User\UserData and delete the iGo folder.
  22. Ce serait très cool si aroundis. En y repensant, tu peux peut-être inspiré de la même teinte de coulor que le fond en haut à gauche lors de la navigation, sur lequel j'ai mis l'icon de la prochain maneuvre, la distance, les icons MUTE et STOP NAVI etc. Merci d'avance!
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