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About Squidkid

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  1. I did this one for my 2010 Honda CR-V and X920BT. Hopefully someone else will like it and make use of it. Rob
  2. Have people in the U.S. been having much luck getting this to work? Does it only work with iPhone or will it work with recent model iPods as well? I set it up on my music library PC and it started scanning my library but it only got about 1/3 of the way through before the program failed. Even at that, I have about 120GB of music in the library and it took a full 24 hours to make it as far as it did. I'm not dying to use the app actually so it's no big deal if it's buggy or I can't get it to work but I was kind of hoping to see it work at least once. Rob
  3. I have a 5th gen iPod. I disconnected it last night, took it in the house and updated it with some new music. This morning I plugged it back into the x920bt and allowed it to fully catalog while I was driving to work. It catalogued about 115GB in around 15-20 minutes and then the VR worked much better. I'm thinking it must have been in the midst of cataloging and gotten cut off part way through and this was causing the problem. It's now working much better although it still seems to mis-understand me relatively often. Before however, it would just come back with a message saying that it didn't
  4. I'm having the same problem with my new X920BT but only with music files. VR works fine for making calls but seemingly doesn't recognize any artists, albums or songs. If I say "shuffle" it will recognize that and shuffle play. If I say "Play" it will ask me whether I want an artist, album or track and it recognizes my response there but no matter what album, artist or track I say, it says that it doesn't understand. Admittedly, I do have a ton of music; about 112GBs on an iPod so perhaps it just needs a very long time to catalog it all? I am making sure that I'm on the map screen when I tu
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